• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself



Welcome tell us about your tanks. Maybe start a tale of the tank.
Hello All,

My name is Fred. I'm a Brooklyn native, who migrated to Manhattan and now I'm finally in North Jersey. I've always been a freshwater cichlid guy. I maintained a 60 gallon freshwater cichlid tank. I got bitten by the saltwater bug and maintained a 10 gallon eclipse kit. Now, I'm hooked on marine/reef life and I'm trying my best to come to grips with it all.

My main plans are for a 40 breeder reef w/fish, but I actually setup a Fluval pico yesterday so we'll see. I hope all is well with everyone and I cant wait for the frag swap meets and group buys lol ;D
Hi all, I'm Mike from Hightstown NJ. I've kept freshwater almost all my life, but I've always wanted a reef tank. A bunch of years ago I remember sitting in front of a neighbour's tank for hours. That tank gave me the bug... and I've finally deluded myself into thinking I can afford it now. :eek:

We are remodelling the house and the new reef will be built into the arches in the entrance to the living room. Man I can't wait. I'm starting to collect the pieces I'll need and doing a ton of reading.

I'm a security consultant by day (and sometimes night :( ) and come home to my wife and three great kids. I hope to meet you all soon.

Well, i guess this is where i should have come first!
Hi all! My name is Len, im 37 married 3 years and live in Cape May. I spend my summers in the pool business and take the winters off to travel, play xbox and ps3, and also devote alot of time foster animals and getting them ready for thier forever homes. im born and raised here but spent some time in florida like most of us do when we try to leave...its amazing how a few years without tastykakes, wawa, and a good hoagie will bring you running,crawling,swimming or whatever you gots to do to get back...lol...
I am really excited i found this site and learned of the club which i plan to join within the next day or so. ive had my tank for a little over a year and look forward to learning from all of you and hopefully sharing what i have picked up along the way.
lets see, what else? 10 cats, 3 dogs, and 4 foster dogs at the moment...it sounds like alot and in a way it is, but my home is truly one of the most peaceful fun places to be ::)...most of the time...lol.....
my hobbies include all outdoors stuff, bmx, building fish ponds and waterfalls, fishing....anyway, thats me!
Hi Everyone, I'm Keith, my wife, Vilma and I joined a few months back. We're both moving here from Miami, this is our second winter and it is better than the first! I've had a few reef aquariums in Miami and spend most of my time surfing and diving (well after working...) my reef tanks in sfla were away to keep from jonesing to much between dives. We don't have any children at home they are all out on their own. EXCEPT for two cats and now our new 57 gal reef. It's been up two months, just finished cycling! Very happy to meet some of you in Jan and on line, and looking forward to being a part of our club
Hi All,

My name is Butch and I'm currently located in Central NJ. I started my first saltwater tank about 8 years ago but because I didn't have a good source of information, it did not go to where I wanted it to. However, I just got done cycling my 40 breeder a month ago and with the information I'm getting through this site (via reading posts - and believe me I'm learning a LOT!) I think my tank is doing alright. I hope to meet you in one of the club meetings someday.
Welcome to NJRC Butch. To be honest, I read your name as "Butt Chick" for some reason. LOL It's all good. You did come to the right place. These are a great group of guys/ladies with a ton of knowledge.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Butch. We're glad you found us. I hope you find your time here enjoyable and informative.
hi everyone...my name is brian and i live in elmwood park nj...was born and raised in lodi nj..i have a 240 gallon custom made reef tank...all starphire glass w/custom stand and canopy...my brother and i are like marine and reef crack heads. we can't get enough of it ..we are thinking of setting up a new take that we have which is a 150 gallon marineland cube we just purchased....so anyway just want to say hello to everyone and looking forward to meeting new people and just learning more about the hobby...thank you....


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Brian!!!

I an sure we would all love to see those pictures you have at home from your tanks!!! ;D
And the new build! Start a thread in Tale of the Tank and we will all follow with you!! Glad you're here!

Wanted to say hi!

My name is Paul, I live in Browns Mills, and am getting ready to set up a large reef tank. Of course, I hit a snag when I cracked the 150 I had sitting in my back yard lol, but that's another issue. So when I find another great deal on a tank, I'll try and let you all tag along on the build!
welcome! bummer about the tank. A 150 is what I started out with , is this your first tank? If you can get a 180 the 24" width is nicer to work with. good luck
pbecot01 said:
Wanted to say hi!

My name is Paul, I live in Browns Mills, and am getting ready to set up a large reef tank. Of course, I hit a snag when I cracked the 150 I had sitting in my back yard lol, but that's another issue. So when I find another great deal on a tank, I'll try and let you all tag along on the build!

paul - saw your other note on the WTB> you need a minimum of 5 posts before you can send a private message.
pbecot01 said:
Wanted to say hi!

My name is Paul, I live in Browns Mills, and am getting ready to set up a large reef tank. Of course, I hit a snag when I cracked the 150 I had sitting in my back yard lol, but that's another issue. So when I find another great deal on a tank, I'll try and let you all tag along on the build!

Hi Paul!

Welcome to NJRC, can't wait to watch the tank build!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to Paul, Butch and Brian! Look forward to meeting you at a future meeting (open to everyone).
