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Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself


NJRC Member
Welcome premnas! I, for one, think it's awesome that you're successfully keeping those Angels in your reef. If it works for you, all the better!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
+1 where at in cherry hill?

What he said. I grew up there and now live in Blackwood which isn't too far away. Would love to see your awesome tanks in person one day!

PS, is it safe to assume you frequent The Dive Shop on Rte. 70? I probably bumped into you before, and didn't even know it.
Hello Everyone,

I joined the club a few days ago and figured I should introduce myself. I'm getting back into having a reef tank after about a 15 year break. I had a 90 gallon reef in the mid-90's but eventually had to sell it because I was travelling too much for work. this past Fall I was given a 55 gallon tank. My 3 and 5 year old daughters had been asking for an aquarium so I figured why not. I was initially thinking about doing an African chiclid tank. After a few days of doing some research on the net and scouring craigslist and the boards for equipment, I ended up with a 120 gallon oceanic tank and heading down the reef path. My tank has been running since November and knock on wood so far so good.

My wife and I are originally from Philly but moved to NJ about 10 years ago. We just recently moved from Haddonfield to Mt. Laurel with our two girls, newf and our cat. My other addiction is saltwater fishing.


We'll forgive you for being from philly for now....LOL.
Hello everyone,

Started my first saltwater tank in November. It's a 150 with a dogfaced puffer(aka puppy puffer simi) and a kole tang(yet to be named) so far. I want to thank everyone who offered there help over at your forum on RC. I appreciate the time you all took in responding to a non member. I haven't posted pics yet and am going to wait til it gets really mature. Then i will do a "fast forward" of my journey. BTW, for those who responded to me in crisis mode, i finally found straight boards.:applause:
Thanks again,

RC? what's that? LOL just kidding. I love Kole tangs. The fish store people always have a double take when my kids blurt out "hey dad look at the yellow-eye kole tang".

Joined not long ago, a week or so, over 50, memory's not what it used to be. Anyway, been cursing at my fish for 43 years, aquariums are supposed to be stress relievers aren't they? 210 gal mixed reef, mainly sps, 125 gal fowlr, 75 gal qt. My next words have gotten me some scathing responses from other reefers, so here goes, I keep large Angels in my reef. There, I said it, and I'm proud. 1 Queen Angel, 1 Asfur, 1 Blueline, 1 Emperor. It is time for the Queen to come out, she's been in there for 2 years, need a place for the Personifer to grow up. Live in Cherry Hill, work in Cherry Hill, probably die in Cherry Hill. Thanks for letting me ramble.

WOW 3 tanks...need to put up some threads with pics!!

oh and....
Hi guys/girls. My name is Joe, I'm 30 and live in Burlington NJ. Been in the hobby for about 7 years now but never owned a salt water tank until about 4 months ago. The wife and I bought our first house and my 2 car garage has been converted into a bar!!! In it I have a 40g Breeder (freshwater with Puffers) tank and my new 10g Nano. With the 10g Nano I'm already itching to upgrade to somelike like a 30L or even a 40L but the wife is having my hold off on that at the moment. Might be a nice winter project for next year. As of right now I have a few Zoas, Duncan, Acan's, Plate coral and some SPS's. All of which is under a 20" Odyssea T5 lighting with 2, 12K and 2 Atinics. I recently added a Hydor Nano skimmer, even though I know I really DON'T need it but it had been removing a nice amount of "green tea" from the tank. For water movement I have a HOB filter that does 200GPH but only holds filter floss and Purigen. I also have a Hydro Nano powerhead that gives great flow through out the tank with the HOB filter. As far as stock in the tank I have 2 Clowns, 1 Dottyback and 1 Green Clown Goby. I've also been on Nano-reef.com since I started the salt water tank and found alot of great help over there in getting the tank started. I'm looking forward to meeting with you guys at some point and also checking out some of your tanks here on New Jersey Reefers.
I work at the PC Richards on rt.1 in Lawrenceville. I work 9-6 so I'm sorry I wont make the meeting. But next time when I see a date posted for a meet I'll be sure to get off and come out to meet you guys. Should be a good time plus the wife is ALWAYS looking for things to do so I'm sure she's enjoy it.

a nano tank is nice.

a bar in the garage is nicer! hahaha

welcome and glad you stopped in on this board. Hope we can be as helpful as the guys on nano-reef! Although if it's a contest in sarcasm/humor - we would undoubtedly win! LOL.
I kinda kick myself in the A$$ because when we moved into the house I already knew I was going to start a new fish tank and that I wanted a 40B. What I didn't know was that the salt water tank takes care of itself better than my 40B freshwater. When I first started looking into saltwater tanks everyone would say that it cost ALOT but thus far my 10G nano hasn't been that bad. With that being the case I wish I never made the 40B a freshwater tank. But at this point the wife likes the Figure 8 puffers far too much for me to "get rid of them" and make that tank my saltwater beauty.

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Joe,

I am also a N-R convert, I spend most of my time here now with the "local crew". Until just recently, all my tanks have been 40 gallons or smaller.

I have a Juvi porcupine puffer in my 40B. I upgraded from a Biocube 8 to a 65G. I already informed the wife that, when the puffer gets bigger, he is going to need a bigger tank somewhere in the 180-210g range. ;)
Hello Everyone,

My names Meagan, Xavier's girlfriend. I currently set up my second tank this past weekend. 29 Biocube, waiting to be able to put my fish in it! I have a huge love for clownfish and anemones, all types and sizes. I spend hours shopping online for corals, which is dangerous to my wallet! I have been together with Xavier for three years, and prior to him I didn't even know this whole other world of "fish." I have never been so happy to find such a wonderful hobby like salt water tanks. It is honestly one of my favorite things now, and I am honored to be a part of the club! Cant wait to meet everyone at the meeting! and maybe win some raffles ;)

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Meagan! He told you about the "Newbie Luck" at the meetings did he? LoL Well, I guess you probably saw him when he came home with the tank and more corals then he could carry. :D


NJRC Member
Thanks guys,be sure to check out my thread of my tank in progress!

And the "newbie luck" i will be sure to have it ;)

Some people have it, I did not... It took me 8 meetings to finally win something. :undecided:

Yep, I was at my first meeting and I was the poor shlub who stood right next to Xavier when his luck paid off and I walked away empty handed - well from the raffle anyway. So some people have it and some don't. I like to think I've got it on "lay-away" saving for a powerball ticket :)