Hi everyone!
My name is Tyler. I just got into the reefing hobby back in April and I'm really loving it so far. I'm 15 years old so money has been the main struggle for me and at the moment I'm saving up for a big equipment upgrade. I've learned a ton in the few months I've had my tank and swear I'm still learning new things every day. My current setup is a 46G bowfront with an 850 GPH Hydor Koralia Pump, a sump I made myself out of an old 10 gallon and some glass I had cut at a place down the street and within that is a cheap nano skimmer and about 50 pounds of rock. My current stocking is just a single banggai cardinal and a small cleanup crew. As far as corals go I have a decent sized GSP colony, a toadstool, and a monti cap frag. I always like to save money since most places aren't willing to hire someone my age so if anybody nearby sells pieces of their corals as they grow for a nice low price I'd love to know!![]()
Welcome. This hobby is costly but you will find people to help out you here and there. I been doing saltwater for over 2 years and I'm still learning something new all the time. Good luck with your tank and please post some pictures in the Tale of Tank thread.