mickeysreef <*))))<
NJRC Member
Hi Everyone,
My name is Michael and I have been interested in building my first saltwater reef for a long time. Eight years ago, I did a lot of research and established an Amazon wish list with all the equipment I would need. Today, that same wish list has been a reminder of one day starting this project. I recently updated it and still have a few months to go before starting but I have begun the process of purchasing the equipment I need. I will be using a 55 gallon tank that was given to me and will also be building and documenting an RODI system in my basement. I never thought something as simple as a water barrel would cost $100. Looking forward to the journey and hopefully will be able to get started by the summer time.
You can probably get a lot of things second hand or free. just takes a bit of time and patience. set up your searches on craigslist, letitgo and marketplace. a lot of things are floating around out there. join the reef club, its only 12 bucks i think. lots of members here sell deeply discounted or unloading extra stuff free.