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Welcome to - Plans, Ideas & Reference Material for Starting a Reef Tank

Welcome to Plans, Ideas & Reference Material for Starting a Reef Tank!
This is the place to come if you are just starting out in the hobby, branching into something new, or are just curious about how your fellow reefers go about the never ending task of learning more about this great hobby.

Before we get too deep into the how's and the whys, we need to set the tone for this forum. ;)

We expect much of our traffic here to come from beginners. Beginners learn primarily by asking questions, so ask away! It's always helpful if you do a little background reading first, but never hesitate to ask. For the more experienced reefers that may visit here, please don't answer questions by saying "Do your homework, that's been asked a million times before!"

NO picking on newbies for being newbies allowed!

To parphrase a favorite movie line of mine, "They can't do that to our newbies! Only we can do that to our newbies!" ;D If you really feel the need to torture the uninformed, pm me about becoming a mod and after a few years of hard labor I think we can work something out.

Speaking of moderators, we have a great group of mods who can do more than manage the mechanics of the forum. We'll answer as many questions as we can and from time to time we'll post some information on the basics of reefing. We'll share a bit of our own backgrounds and experiences, but we are not experts. Think of us more as mentors that are here to help you figure out how much you don't know and direct you to where you can find the knowledge you need.

And have no fear, there is no shortage of knowledgeable and experienced reefkeepers on NJRC! I'm sure many of them will share their experiences here as well.

One more thought, even the most experienced reefer can be a beginner again if they are trying something new. So 'old salts' have the same rights here as the beginners; ask as many questions as you want no matter how many times someone else has asked the same question.

So hopefully new and old reefers alike will find something useful in this forum. Once again welcome to Plans, Ideas & Reference Material for Starting a Reef Tank, we hope you enjoy your visit. :D
Just a quick note on my background as an aquarist.

I had my first freshwater tank at age 7. I have kept and bred many freshwater fish through the years and have had as many as 30 working tanks at one time. For some strange reason I have never kept African Lake Cichlids!

Way back in 1972 I started my first fish-only marine aquarium. It was a glass 29 gallon with a Supreme Aquamaster Powerfilter and an air driven under gravel filter. At one time it held a juvenile queen angel, juvenile french angel, copper band, henniochous, royal gramma, scooter blenny and an ocellaris clown. It ran almost two years before it crashed! Boy how time have changed!

Reefkeeping for me began around the turn of the millenia. My first reef was a 30g mixed reef with live rock, canister filter, under gravel filter with dolomite and compact fluorescent lights.

I joined NJRC in 2005 and you can see some of my reefin' progress in the threads below. I'm looking forward to seeing your tanks documented in the Tale of the Tank Thread soon! :D

My 180g main display tank

The 75g I upgraded from.

My retired 55g softie; it's now an undocumented 75g
So we were hoping for this to be a more interactive forum. ::)

Any ideas out there about what we should be working on? ???
I was thinking of starting a build thread today and I was trying to decide weather I should post my ideas in this thread or in the "Tale of the Tank" thread. I can see where a person might want to keep all of the information/help that they acquire in there build thread. This is going to be tricky.
ricwilli said:
I was thinking of starting a build thread today and I was trying to decide weather I should post my ideas in this thread or in the "Tale of the Tank" thread. I can see where a person might want to keep all of the information/help that they acquire in there build thread. This is going to be tricky.

I would go with your build thread, but general discussions of ideas you are considering would be a good topics to post here.

Both you and James are experienced reefers, but I see a lot of newbies wandering the halls. Give them a nudge this way when you see them asking basic questions out in the general population! ;)
hey everyone! im not sure if im in the right spot but this is my first visit here and im really stoked! a site with local fellow reefers!
i have had my tank a little over a year now. its a 75 with a 10 gal fuge. so im not a total noob, but am still learning. i read up on tanks for a few years before i switched from sickletts to salties. anyway just wanted to introduce myself. time to check out the forums and figure out how all this works...


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Aqueon Model 4 Sump....

Anyone know how to get a Model 4 sump into 48 X 18 AGA base?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Aqueon Model 4 Sump....

Anyone know how to get a Model 4 sump into 48 X 18 AGA base?
Considering that center brace between the front doors is load bearing, most people tend to cutout a door on the side of the stand to fit it in.

Check out This link at Melevsreef.com for step by step instructions for installing a custom sump this way.

Good luck and take some pics if you intend to do this to document your work. Maybe even create a project thread in this forum for it too. People love to see projects like this! ;)
If I could do it all over again I wouldn't buy a single piece of equipment until I read and then read some more. That being said, figure out what your space and budget allows. Get the biggest tank you can. Figure out what animals you would like to keep. Your first purchase should be an RO/DI unit.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
How about nano systems. Since they are more of a challenge. Im trying hard...a newbie of a way different species. .
For a nano, if possible run a skimmer....that with some filter media and water changes should hold you off. Just also plan on having a very lightly stocked tank given the small water volume
I had to reorder another fluval ps2 ini. The 1st one the cup came in cracked. Plus it was leaking through the side of the cup. I hope this one comes in good