So, I'm a chiropractor and have been specializing in upper cervical techniques for the past 2 years.
We're doing some research into aphasia and setting up communications with neurologists and other professionals to share info.
It's a pretty complex and not well understood (yet) pathology to an area of the brain called Broca's Area, which controls speech.
I finish up some material today and spell check says all is OK.
In final proofreading, my boss asks me why I keep misspelling aphasia as aptasia through the report.
We're doing some research into aphasia and setting up communications with neurologists and other professionals to share info.
It's a pretty complex and not well understood (yet) pathology to an area of the brain called Broca's Area, which controls speech.
I finish up some material today and spell check says all is OK.
In final proofreading, my boss asks me why I keep misspelling aphasia as aptasia through the report.