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Well, its been a while... but im working my way back


NJRC Member
hi all, its been a while and wanted to drop my head in and say hello.. i recently moved from Jackson to Columbus.. Ive started collecting some supplies to start building my new system.. i have a huge basement ill be doing the work in and cant wait to get started..

got 2 7ft raceways and a 100g pond sump, a reeflo hammerhead pump, my old frag tanks and my reactors, i have guy building me a commercial grade skimmer that should be done mid aug.

im looking for anyone in the area(central jersey, west side) who is good with working with acrylic bc i have a few ideas i would like to build and could use an extra set of hands.

looking to build 2 more acrylic raceways and another compartmental system..

let me know if anyone is interested..

Good to hear Mike long time no see cuz gl with the new spot I'm sure you will be coming with fire once your all setup


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Good to see you back mike. Congrats on the move. If it's a weekend I may be able to give you a hand.


NJRC Member
Cool. I'll keep in touch. I'm pricing sheets of acrylic. Trying to find the best deal. 8'x4' sheets of 1/2" is a lot.


NJRC Member
OK just aquire a rack system for fish and inverts. Almost done getting the equipment I need. Also picked up a brand new reeflo hammerhead - barracuda pump for half price.
Only have a few more things left and then I have to order all my LEDs.




NJRC Member
No breeding, unless I get so.eone to partner with. I plan on bringing in fish and inverts as well as the coral I will be importing.. nothing crazy on the fish maybe I'll get a small stock started and then replenish by request or well see how it goes. Invert system will be crabs snails, shrimp, basic clean up crew stuff. I would love to be able to breed clowns but man that's a full time job. Lol.