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Whale Tale


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
A little excitement in Sayreville this morning. I was up at Waterfront Park doing my daily run, and on the fourth lap I see three of four people looking out at the water (Raritan Bay). I glance out and see a whale tail flapping in the water about 100 yards off the shore…..not even waste deep. I asked if anyone had a phone so that we could call this in.

The cops first arrived and I was surprised that in this metropolitan area we don’t have a marine mammal rescue close by. The cops called a number of people and finally Staten Island Coast Guard said they would respond….the hour and twenty minutes I was there they never arrived. Eventually a guy showed up wearing a Brigantine Mammal Rescue shirt and walked into the water. Interestingly a boater had pulled up close to the whale and recognized the rescue guy. He jumped out of his boat and the two of them….and eventually a woman for BMR…were able to free the whale and run it out into deeper water.

I would guess the whale was about 14-15 feet….not sure what kind.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Wait a minute.... you do a daily run? I call BS! :biggrin:

Seriously though, that's good news they got it free. Good thing you had the idea to contact someone. Otherwise, it might not have turned out so well. Good job Paul!


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
You were 5 minutes away and didn't stop by to say hello. :smile:

There was one there last year near the fishery but was dead. I believe it was a mink whale.
I came here for a different reason.... I was dissapointed.. :playful:

I didn't know we had whales in NJ... All these years.. I should have been fishing for whale..
They aren't uncommon in NJ. We see them just about every time we go out harassing schools of bunker in May and June.
can I be invited the next time you go harassing bunker? Not so much for the fish harassment but I would like to land a days limit of stripers and blues....for science.
How do you think we catch the bass. :) The whales aren't the only critters that eat bunker. I'd like to offer you a ride but I'm at the mercy of my friends to bum a boat ride and I don't think two of us would fit in my kayak.