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what is this purple color thingy?


NJRC Member
Please help...

how to get rid of it?






NJRC Member
reduce nutrients? how?

i feed my tank with:
- Live Brine Shirmp twice a week
- Frozen Brine Shirmp mixed with Cyclops twice a week
- other times, Formula Two mixed with Cyclops.



What kind of fish? Or what is your overall bioload/stocking?

Have you tested for phosphates yet? Try using some kind of phosphate resin/pad/granules. It looks like some kind of cyanobacteria bloom, as Rich had mentioned.

Reduce nutrients/organics by wet skimming, adding carbon/phosphate pads and by bumping up or increasing the frequency of your water changes (with RO/DI) until it slowly dissipates.

Hope this helps......


NJRC Member
- Copperband Butterfly (1)
- Yellow Tang (1)
- Flame Anglefish (1)
- 6 lines Wrasse (1)
- Green Chromis (10)
- Gloden Headed Sleeper Goby (1)
- Scissortail Goby (2)
- Metallic FoxFace (1)
- Clown fish - Amphiprion Ocellaris (2)
- Purple Fire Goby (1)
- Cleaner shirmp (3)
- Peppermint shrimp (2)
- Mandarin (1)
- Comet - Calloplesiops altivelis (1)
- Snails, Hermit crabs...etc.





Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Very nice tank!
The bubbles are dino flatulates (I think)
A search on RC will return a multitude of information.


NJRC Member
Very nice tank!

The bubbles are dino flatulates (I think)
[what do you mean?]

A search on RC will return a multitude of information.
[i tried to search for 'dino flatulates'... not thing came back... tried google too... nothing...?]




I don't think they look like dinoflagellates though...... they look like "slime" algae to me.

nice tank by the way.
I recently had the same problem the red slime would just not go away. even with medication. So I did a 50% change on my 72 gal tank, and it has gone away. I also brushed off the thicker stuff off the sand and corals and removed it from the tank. You will see a change quickly. Other water change periodically will have to be done until the it is totally gone. Do not panic.


NJRC Member
thanks for the advise - Milkman...

I tried with the ALGONE... it did improved other type of Algae... but the purple thingy is still there... and seems getting more... i finally brush them off during last weekend... and will do more water change and see if they fade away...



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Somtimes the algae can be caused by bad lighting as well. How old are your lights?


NJRC Member
the purple thingy i brush off from the TWO corals, they are now doing better, and seems starting to recover...  but my other 2 corals started to have this purple stuff showing up...   I can brush them off again... but, what's next, is there any way to get rid of them for good?  i don;t want to see this thing start to show up every where...

i purchased a cleaning crew on our recent group buy event (will be in TWO days), i hope this could help...

in the mean time, i started to do 5% water change every other day...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Ya know......I have some redish purplie velvety stuff on my rocks that is actually coralline. Kinda looks like felt almost. I'll try to get some pic's up so you can compare.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
malulu said:
this is the light i have...  been using it since Feb 2005, there are 3 HQI. 


my plan for going forward is every 3 months i will change 1 HQI, so the ussage of each HQI is about 9 months.  (last time i changed was on Sept 2005, the 2nd one will be on Dec 2005, then 3rd one will be on Mar 2006...etc.)

thx for reply...

That sounds like a good plan, I don't know if you have to wait 3 months for every change though. I would think A couple weeks would be sufficient. (Unless your wallet doesn't like it!)