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What is this????


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
SO I am looking into my tank talking with Youpey abut his clowns...lights are out...and I see this dark worm coming from the sandbed...not a bristleworm but a dark brown worm about 1/4 inch in diameter, and with about 6 inches exposed out of the sand, it reminds me of an aneileide worm, like a common red worm...what can it be?

When I tried to scoop it out, it retracted into the sand and live rock...

Any ideas?



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Check for photos of a eunicid worm (see the largest worm contest). Easiest to peg if you can see the head. That's got some pretty tell tale signature features (band, blah blah) smooth thing.

Take a look and see what you think!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
It's amazing what we can find in our tanks! When I was breaking down my 120 some years ago, I had time so I ended up soaking the rock in freshwater for about a week. When I emptied the barrel out there was a huge black worm, probably about 12" long...it almost looked like a bristle worm except it was black...YUCK!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I think it's a peanut worm, no bristles at all, I saw it many times last night but couldn't cath it...
Tell me about finding weird things in our tanks, i found an octopus in mine, I have a whole thread on another forum with pictures, craziest thing ever...when I took it out and re-homed it, it died within 2 days... :-\



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Oh man! That's terrible. How sad. How long do you think you had it?
I have a worm like that all black it is called a medusa worm? filter feeders harmless from what i found out about them i like the strange stuff