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What is ur ,, Dream Car


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Grandpa Al Lewis all the way baby. Remember back in the early 90's(?) while hopping punk clubs we bumped into him outside his restaurant. He chatted with us a bit, torched up a cigar, told a few stories and killed 20 minutes having fun with a bunch of wandering half drunk punks. Endearing and funny as hell, told us he would have invited us in for a meal on the house but he had a dress code that excluded mohawks and safety pins, but would have bent the rules if we were dressed as vampires.
Grandpa Al Lewis all the way baby. Remember back in the early 90's(?) while hopping punk clubs we bumped into him outside his restaurant. He chatted with us a bit, torched up a cigar, told a few stories and killed 20 minutes having fun with a bunch of wandering half drunk punks. Endearing and funny as hell, told us he would have invited us in for a meal on the house but he had a dress code that excluded mohawks and safety pins, but would have bent the rules if we were dressed as vampires.
That guy rocked


Staff member
NJRC Member
When my daughter went to college in PA she would see him in the streets ranting and giving out flyers. But lost it as he got older unfortunately.

With this lockdown haven't had a haircut for a whike. Wife said a few weeks ago I look like him. I didn't take offense.