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what kind of caulk/silicone?

Ok,doing work on a sump and went to the big orange store for silicone,I hadda read 10 tubes,most say not for aquariums..I asked for help there and they told me they have small tubes of aquarium sealant,but wouldnt ya know they didnt have any in stock,and in little squeeze tubes.I need a gd amount(prb'ly 2-3 tubes of the 10 oz) whats the safest caulk to use?And where do I get it?I do have tubes of DAP 100% silicone rubber sealant clear..not sure if this is safe..thnks for yr help


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have only used “aquarium” silicone, purchased online for a good price.  For the couple extra bucks, it’s worth it, knowing you’ve got “clean” stuff.  Read some of the threads where creatures are dying and they can’t figure it out…peace of mind!…(or is it piece??)

Now, after saying that, I did read some people have used “Silicone I” from the big orange store.  Supposedly Silicone I does not have the microcides that are found in all other home-improvement silicones.  But again, I say this from what I’ve read on other forums, not what I’ve experienced.

If Big Orange only has small tubes, go to any pet store…the one time I’d go to Petco or Pet Smart would be to buy this kind of stuff…I think around $8 / 10 oz tube.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I thought it was Silicone II from Home Depot?

Regardless, it can't have any mold/mildew inhibitors in it...that's what you have to look out for.
Just got back from the big HD to get some superglue Gel for tomorrow's frags :D :D :D

They have DAP silicone for Aquariums!


There you go- they have something "specifically for us" but then again the GE works too :D
I hope this info is not to late but do not use the mildew inhibiter silicone . I just finished taking the baffles out of my sump and redoing it . Not a fun job when its all under the stand and does not come out . I used the GE II with mildew the first time and think it might be the problem I am having with my sps Something in there kills what the sps needs . I was told GE type I window/doors was safe but I ended up buying the 100 % Aquarium Silicone in the little tubes . Twice the price when you figure it out but I never want to redo my sump again. Better 100% safe. Hope this helps you, Paul