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What to do?


NJRC Member
Urchins are powerhouses, I have the small spines ones that are whitish/grey. Been with me for years now. I have had tuxedos but they tend to be the first to go when food gets scarce. The white ones bulletproof.


NJRC Member
There most likely is more phopshates and nitrates available in the system but it gets bound by the growing algea fast. Once the plants in there it’s storing those nutrients. The way to get rid of is either picking it out yourself, or cleanup crews which recourse and then excrete it back into waste to be removed my the skimmer or a waterchange.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
I decide to manually pull some out today. Much more than I realized. Took 2 rocks out and ate outside in the cold. Large candy cane colony had it growing on back. I was able to soak and clean with a peroxide bath. Will head up to ACC and pickup a sea hare this weekend.


NJRC Member
Anyway you can increase your nitrates? You're close to zero for both, you want to detect some trace of nitrates. But ya like everyone stated, a good cuc would do a good job at fighting it. If algae already there, manual removal like you're doing.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
Picked up a sea hare today so hopefully takes care of the rest if it.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
Anyway you can increase your nitrates? You're close to zero for both, you want to detect some trace of nitrates. But ya like everyone stated, a good cuc would do a good job at fighting it. If algae already there, manual removal like you're doing.
I have NoPox that can be dosed.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
That would lower nitrates.
I know readings are low but are they really??? I have much HA so i assume its consuming the Nitrate and Phos giving false readings. For now adding peroxide and hope the sea hare doe sits job. I will be pulling small stuff out to sock in peroxide, rinse and return.


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NJRC Member
Situation got worse. Been pulling stuff out that I can manually but slow process as I cannot reach the back. Also, soaked many frags in peroxide bath. I lost tat big Hollywood Stunner because goby kept burying part of it sand and then algae crept in; kept a few small pieces. I ordered Reef Flux as not sure what else I can do to stop this.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
If you can’t really see it in the back don’t bother, it’s going to go away with your clean up crew eventually!!
I need to beef up my CUC. I have a long spine urchin, seahare, large turbo snails. Thinking of getting some hermit crabs and cerith snails. Not sure who is best to order from thes edays.


NJRC Member
You can use reef flux even if its hair algae or bryopsis. I've had great luck using it for both. Best part is when it all starts to turn white your algae eats will go nuts for it and demolish it. The Sea Hare however I would look to rehome as soon as its under control.