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what type of inverts can be in the refugium?


NJRC Member
since the refugium may get *dirty* over time, what inverts can we keep in it?
- shrimp?
- snail?
- hermit crab?
- emeral crab?
- fish??



Staff member
NJRC Member
I have a pin cushin urchin, snails and small mollie. Some where in there is a pistol shrimp but haven't seen in it for awile.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have a few turbos and hermits. No fish, though. That kind of takes the "Refuge" out of refugium.


Staff member
NJRC Member
I know what you're saying about the fish in the fuge. I have it because a close friend bought a pair of fish called saltwater mollies. A grouper ate 1 so I took the other as I had a fish only tank at the time. The molly was a female and gave birth. This is the only surviving baby the female died during my tank upgrade. My son won't let me put it in DT as he's afraid the other fish will kill it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Can you move it to the sump? That's my "time out" tank. Any bad community citizens or other misfits wind up in our sump. Last year we went fishing with MikeM. When my daughter found out that the live killies were going to be used as bait she said absolutely not! They all wound up in the sump until their untimely demise (thanks to the previously mentioned bad community citizens).

{sorry to go off topic!}


NJRC Member
will the shrimp or crab be able to consume those pods in the refugium? or they are too slow for those fast pods?