• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

What value would earn your membership dollars?

1. Access to one free apparel of your choice
2. In-store discounts
3. Meetings at LFS as opposed to people's homes
5. Admission fees for members that aren't paid (events, etc)
6. Admission discounts to local aquariums

That's all I've got right now. I know some things have been mentioned already, but as an unpaid member here.. I'm looking for the incentive to become a paid one.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
1. Access to one free apparel of your choice
2. In-store discounts
3. Meetings at LFS as opposed to people's homes
5. Admission fees for members that aren't paid (events, etc)
6. Admission discounts to local aquariums

That's all I've got right now. I know some things have been mentioned already, but as an unpaid member here.. I'm looking for the incentive to become a paid one.
1. Access to one free apparel of your choice
I think this one would need to be limited so that we're not stock piling stuff. But overall the list seems solid
I don’t need or ask for much, but sponsors giving 10-15% discounts should definitely be a goal for the club and that would make people shovel out the 12 bucks I think....and doesn’t cost the club anything. I just paid because it’s the local reefing club, can’t get on a personal level like on reef2reef

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
1. Access to one free apparel of your choice
2. In-store discounts
3. Meetings at LFS as opposed to people's homes
5. Admission fees for members that aren't paid (events, etc)
6. Admission discounts to local aquariums

That's all I've got right now. I know some things have been mentioned already, but as an unpaid member here.. I'm looking for the incentive to become a paid one.

Good list. My only issue with holding meetings at LFS over someone's house is they feel less personal. I do enjoy meeting at LFS and I will admit it help drives business for them. I just like to personal feel of a meeting at someone house. We can sit and talk club stuff. I feel if all or even most of our meetings are held at LFS the personally connection be lost. Mainly when a member might want to sell a frag or old equipment the LFS might get mad cause they 'lost a sale'


NJRC Member
Good list. My only issue with holding meetings at LFS over someone's house is they feel less personal. I do enjoy meeting at LFS and I will admit it help drives business for them. I just like to personal feel of a meeting at someone house. We can sit and talk club stuff. I feel if all or even most of our meetings are held at LFS the personally connection be lost. Mainly when a member might want to sell a frag or old equipment the LFS might get mad cause they 'lost a sale'

I understand, but it shouldn't be that way (the hard feelings part by the LFS). I only have the experience at OiA, but we did swap frags there without issue. I would hope it would be expected, but if we do more at LFS, it should definitely be made clear that it is going to happen.



SPS Grow Out Winner
Guys... i was thinking.... if there was a random give away annual on reef equipment etc purchased by club... that would require am increase to memebership/.... What would be the thought process on that?
I would think our sponsors could donate the equipment at no cost to the club.

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Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Guys. Money begets money.

The sponsor won’t donate a quality item unless it will lead to double or triple the cost of it in profit
I just spoke to one vendor that said. For every one fixture they donate. They have to sell 4-5 to break even due to the small margins. It just doesn’t make financial sense. For that to work the club would have to buy it from the account and raffle it off.

Either paid upfront or recouped by raffles. Somehow it has to paid
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Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Good list. My only issue with holding meetings at LFS over someone's house is they feel less personal. I do enjoy meeting at LFS and I will admit it help drives business for them. I just like to personal feel of a meeting at someone house. We can sit and talk club stuff. I feel if all or even most of our meetings are held at LFS the personally connection be lost. Mainly when a member might want to sell a frag or old equipment the LFS might get mad cause they 'lost a sale'
For 2019, maybe we can alternate months. One month member, next month sponsor.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Guys. Money begets money.

The sponsor won’t donate a quality item unless it will lead to double or triple the cost of it in profit
I just spoke to one vendor that said. For every one fixture they donate. They have to sell 4-5 to break even due to the small margins. It just doesn’t make financial sense. For that to work the club would have to buy it from the account and raffle it off.

Either paid upfront or recouped by raffles. Somehow it has to paid

But would a sponsor donate a quality product in exchange for sponsorship?? Just a thought there.

Also, maybe for group buys maybe do member generated buys. Like hey, I’m ordering from live aquaria. Want to join with me? Maybe have just paid members permitted to do this.

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Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
But would a sponsor donate a quality product in exchange for sponsorship?? Just a thought there.

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Krista. I believe that the in-lieu of payment donation creates financial issues for the club in my opinion. The membership fee is not enough to support the club with major events. More is need to drive the club forward. IMHO.

You are the standin President so you know more about this than I do


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
but as an unpaid member here.. I'm looking for the incentive to become a paid one.

A number of us, if not all, know the club has lost its way.
A very few of us are spending tons of time outside our own jobs trying to rebuild.
We're spending family time compiling shop lists, conference calling, prepping financial accounts, trying to rebuild sponsor trust, redesigning branding and advertising, building and maintaining the site.
And we get paid zip. And if it succeeds tremendously, we'll still get paid zip.
We're doing it because we love this community and we want it to flourish.
If you guys would like to help, please pay the membership fee so we have some money to actually utilize in our rebuild, it also helps us approach vendors with actual numbers of paid members, which influences their decisions to support us.
If you'd really like to help, pay your membership and then drop the BOD a PM asking 'What can I do to help you guys out?'
This is not a business where we're guaranteeing you a return on investment, this is a hobby club built by members who care.
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Here are better options imo:

Create a LFS discount again using cards. I believe it was 10-15%. If they see a bunch of people askong again, maybe you get the word out.

#2 not free but tools for rent at a great price. Tools? Such as par meters, etc.

#3 A member only section that can barter or trade frags.

#4 free frag raffle for members by a donated member. I believe this was done in the past. Tricky tray style. During meets.

#5 biggest way to get the word back out is holding meetings at LFSs or Frag meets. I know i went to a njrc frag meet a while ago.

Do not set anything currently available AWAY from unpaid members. Let them see there is more to be had. Taking things away is a nice way for them to walk out the door.

My 2cents.

Just opinions.
Here are better options imo:

Create a LFS discount again using cards. I believe it was 10-15%. If they see a bunch of people askong again, maybe you get the word out.

#2 not free but tools for rent at a great price. Tools? Such as par meters, etc.

#3 A member only section that can barter or trade frags.

#4 free frag raffle for members by a donated member. I believe this was done in the past. Tricky tray style. During meets.

#5 biggest way to get the word back out is holding meetings at LFSs or Frag meets. I know i went to a njrc frag meet a while ago.

Do not set anything currently available AWAY from unpaid members. Let them see there is more to be had. Taking things away is a nice way for them to walk out the door.

My 2cents.

Just opinions.
Exactly. Just like @Philadelphia Aquatics stepped up and is giving us the discount now .... kinda like symbiotic relationship of a pistol and a goby :dance:

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Ok it been a long day for me. In fact it been a long month for me and its just going to get crazier. I do not mean to offend anyone with this post/rant but I just can't hold my tongue anymore.

Everyone want to know what they get for their $12.

Here a simple answer you get what you put in! I am not looking for a pat on my back or anything but let me tell you what I got for me $12.

* I got to use my tech skills to redesign our site - at no cost to the club
* I got to lose time with my family so I can attend meetings and board meetings to help this club
* I got to lose sleep as I work on improving our site and come up with ideas for the club
* I got to balance work, life, and supporting this club
* I got messages at all hours of the day
* I got stress/worries that if I make a change on the back could I messed up and take the whole site down
* I got extra work to try and help improve our social media present
* I could go on and on with example but here my point

* I got to be part of a family
* I got respect from members here
* I made friends
* I got to share my love of this hobby with other folks
* I got people I can count on when things get hard. For example a year ago I was dealing with some health issues and moving out of my apartment. A member on here (will leave name out of it) who was dealing with their own more important health issue didn't bat an eye at offering their truck to help move stuff.
* I got an outlet from when dealing with stress from work or life
* I got to be part of this wonderful club and help keep it going
* I got to be part of some very nice coral buys
* I got an event to look forward to every month where I get to hang out with good folks, eat good food, and just forget about everything else.
* I got a hell a lot for my $12.

If you guys want value for your $12 you need to put the value into it cause it there. What I value for my $12 might be different than what you value for your $12.
Ok it been a long day for me. In fact it been a long month for me and its just going to get crazier. I do not mean to offend anyone with this post/rant but I just can't hold my tongue anymore.

Everyone want to know what they get for their $12.

Here a simple answer you get what you put in! I am not looking for a pat on my back or anything but let me tell you what I got for me $12.

* I got to use my tech skills to redesign our site - at no cost to the club
* I got to lose time with my family so I can attend meetings and board meetings to help this club
* I got to lose sleep as I work on improving our site and come up with ideas for the club
* I got to balance work, life, and supporting this club
* I got messages at all hours of the day
* I got stress/worries that if I make a change on the back could I messed up and take the whole site down
* I got extra work to try and help improve our social media present
* I could go on and on with example but here my point

* I got to be part of a family
* I got respect from members here
* I made friends
* I got to share my love of this hobby with other folks
* I got people I can count on when things get hard. For example a year ago I was dealing with some health issues and moving out of my apartment. A member on here (will leave name out of it) who was dealing with their own more important health issue didn't bat an eye at offering their truck to help move stuff.
* I got an outlet from when dealing with stress from work or life
* I got to be part of this wonderful club and help keep it going
* I got to be part of some very nice coral buys
* I got an event to look forward to every month where I get to hang out with good folks, eat good food, and just forget about everything else.
* I got a hell a lot for my $12.

If you guys want value for your $12 you need to put the value into it cause it there. What I value for my $12 might be different than what you value for your $12.
Awesome post man
A few things some have been mentioned already

First Definitly a regular discount with LFS and our vendors. Like others have said with proof of paid membership

Possibly a special vendor special sale for club members something that is only beneficial to club members cause this will attract paid members so they can be apart of the special offerings

Prehapes regarding ACC we can work out a deal to get paid members one of there memberships (platinum package membership or what ever they call it)

Lastly more,club activities beach clean ups aquarium trips picnics holiday parties ECT..