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Whats everyone doing today while stuck inside??

I know that everyone here is probably stuck inside because of this crazy storm!! So what is everyone doing today??

Me....I'm still working since I work from my home office. But I'm also going to be acclimating a Tail Spot Bleeny to my DT from my QT.

I'm also looking into some vacations in the Caribbean.

What's everyone else doing?
Drinking Corona and JW Red- looking at all the tanks I want and happy with the tanks I have!!!

OH and thanking the person who invented the snow-blower!!!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Thanks to the wonders of VPN and IM, I am working productively from home.

Hmmm . . . I wonder I could persuade my company to let us do this 3 days a week!
I'm waiting for my wife, or kids to call my name again, lol. Makes a man want to go to
work in the worst conditions, lol. Well one is off to laalaa land the other is watching videos and palying his WII all at the same time. I'm online looking at stuff for my tank that was in such disarray, it's crazy. Going to get it together before the springtime though.

SWITCH420 said:
playing video games and surfing the web

lmao - i did that when I was unemployed. Then I went on Ebay and sold the stuff i won via the video games.

yes - (shudder) i was a very addicted video game player. People actually would meet me online (in game) and then i'd give them the "goods" and they would paypal me. It wasn't a lot - but it was fun looking at people's expression when I said I was playing video games to make money. ;D ;D
working from home on an article on summary judgment. . . and spending a whole heck of a lot of time on NJRC while I wait for my cases to download from lexis.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Watching my wife work on her summary judgements while playing video games and surfing the web. Though a beer does sound mighty good right about now. I did work today until 1:30, then they closed the office.
lets see---
first this morning ...
there was shoveling....came inside for some coffee
there was more shoveling....inside for coffee
there was more shoveling...watched half a movie ( bathroom--too much coffee)
there was more shoveling...watched the second half of the first movie

oh, did i say i was JUST out SHOVELING !!!!

time to watch the hockey game and THEN...guess what



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Culling through images from Mexico. I'm trying to narrow 2000 images to something a bit more managable!


overfeeding my fish .. thats what i did today... and some shoveling lol the spots the snowblower missed... and here reading if course