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Whats your best tank mod?

Whats your best tank mod? Mine happens to be when I recently changed my overflow to a herbie style. I am so amazed by how quiet it is now. You can barely hear the return pump humming now. Before I would fight the valves for hours sometimes to get the water level to stop fluctuating. Now maybe 5 min tops. So this got me wondering what everyone else thinks is the best thing they've done?


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
I would say hanging my light and running a manifold instead if separate pumps for everything.

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Hiding my wires coming off my reefbreeders.


Bean overflow and hanging my light fixture.

I would like to have the bean style. Maybe on the next tank. I only had two drilled holes and it was already up and running.

kschweer said:
I would say hanging my light and running a manifold instead if separate pumps for everything.

When I plumbed my return I added ports that I could uncap and run other things off of it just for that issue.

Mark... said:
And my home made sump...
That is one serious sump. Wow.
Have to be my pump... VS pool pump
Runs around 200 watts, only water pump other than skimmer and mp40s. About 400 gallon volume system.
This looks nice, can I ask what it cost you in material? I'm thinking about building one.

I bought the tank from a fish store in Delaware for $150 and bought acyclic panels for around $40. Just cut them and welded. Try finding an old acrylic tank on the cheap.