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where to get pvc ball Valve?


NJRC Member

i search on the web, the cheapest one i can see is $36 each (3 way pvc ball Valve http://www.123ponds.com/600-7200-pvc.html), and it is 1-1/2", i need 1" ones...  or is there no such things as 1" three-ways??
thx all.

i found this site -  http://www.poolsaz.com/SearchResults.asp seems very good deal...

I was changing my plan, so i would like to have 3 way valve (instead of using TWO 2 ways), and i am in the middle of the process (was planning to finish this today!)... 
if any one have some laying around and live near by  that i can borrow (i will order some back later),  i will be realy realy greatly appreciated...

Best Regards,

David in GreenBrook (NJ 08812) - [near Bridge Water]