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Where you buying snails and cope pods!?


NJRC Member
I know you guys have your secret spots i need to stock good thick full running back copepods to reproduce like rabbits in my sump / tank where you guys buying them
I also need snails i was thinking reefcleaners but hes a hit and miss and his prices keep going up and up what you guys using

Also which ones you think i should get for a 200 gallon i was thinking of turbos and some nerites maybe 2 fighting cronches


I am on the same hunt, but I prefer Banded Trochus snails, never stop working, live long, right themselves up and best of readily reproduce in the tank, currently looking for large Nassarius, but I don't like getting inverts by mail never any luck no matter the vendor


NJRC Member
I am on the same hunt, but I prefer Banded Trochus snails, never stop working, live long, right themselves up and best of readily reproduce in the tank, currently looking for large Nassarius, but I don't like getting inverts by mail never any luck no matter the vendor
Hmm sounds what I’m looking for aswell last time i got snails from reef cleaners everything came in bags with a damp paper towel..