• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

While we wait for this storm to come/pass...how about some inspiration? 965 DT

Here's a big tank I just came across (it's been up since 2009 - so i'm just slow to view it I guess). Just think if we had to supply a backup generator for this beast!

Here's the (sketchit?) display tank (located in Thailand)

After the build:

sure would be nice to have that kind of time/money/commitment. The lighting is 8x MH 400w, flow is 6 x tunze 6305 and an enormous BK skimmer that was only slight shorter than the lady in the pic.
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I don't know WHAT I was looking at - just tried to get a screenshot! Gonzo! I've been using the iPhone app for the forum, maybe something went whacky! SORRY! You're NOT BANNED! :)
I love this tank. It's one of the few builds on RC I have read all the way through.

Whenever I view a profile w/ tapatalk it always says banned and then changes a few seconds later. Not just the NJRC forum though, a few of them do it.

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