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Why am I the one thats nervous?

Here we are, I will be 37 next month and my wife will be 34 in a couple months with our 1st child due NEXT WEEK!!! I have a 10 year old son that lives with us but this will be her first. To be honest, I am excited but it really didnt hit me until the month changed to April. Everything is ready. The house is covered in baby stuff and his (Kaleb)room is done. For the past month or so, I have been sleeping on the couch due to her not being able to sit still and getting up every 10 minutes to go to the bathroom. LOL Last night, I couldnt sleep so I stared at the tank the whole night just thinking about it and I ended up getting sick from being excited. HAHAHAHA!! My wife is pretty calm but I know how she takes pain and I do believe that if she is holding my hand when all this goes down, I will end up with some broken fingers and god knows what else. It's been 10 years for me and I should know what to expect. She has no idea. LOL I'm a little scared for her. I don't know why I posted. I guess I just needed to pass some time. ;)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
we should all be so lucky to feel this kinda nervous some time in our lives!!

Best of luck and congratulations dude!



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
One thing to remember, anything you would like to keep shouldn't be within arms reach (think GI Joe with kung fu grip)! ;) Congrats!



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
What a fun time! So much excitment bringing a new life into the world. Congrats and good luck! Can't wait to see the new little face when Kaleb joins the reefing community! :)
Good Luck James...

You really should be getting your sleep now ;D When that little guy pops out your sleep is over.... ;D
Mother in law is taking her to the docs today for her weekly appointment while I have to sit here at work. I have to be here since i'm taking time off for when he comes. I'm all excited because I was told that there might be a chance that they might send her to the hospital if need be. Her appointment is in 10 minutes and I wait for her call.
So yesterday, I headed out to the Hidden Reef to pick up a few things when I get a phone call from the wife. She went into labor! I don't think I drove so fast to get home before. The contractions came pretty fast and were happening 3 mins apart. I grab our stuff and head to Virtua in Mt Holly. No sooner than we get there, the examination reveils that both her blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat was low and we were told that an emergency c-section needs to be done. Fast forward to a healthy 6 lb baby boy named Kaleb. Wife is doing well and we are looking forward to going home hopefully Thursday.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! Looking forward to seeing the photos!!
Thanks. Sorry for the delay on the photos. Now all we need to do is correct his sleep schedule. HAHAHAHA!!


Eyes open for the first time.





Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Oh my gosh! He's absolutely the most adorable baby! How cute. That last pic is my fav. He looks so completely content! Enjoy them. Sleep is highly over-rated. And I tried to fix my kids' sleep schedules. Hmm. They didn't cooperate very well.

Hope all is well with your wife!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Uh... how did he get doodie on the tank glass?! Holy cow that's one mad shooter! He certainly thinks its funny, that's for sure!
Phyl said:
Uh... how did he get doodie on the tank glass?! Holy cow that's one mad shooter! He certainly thinks its funny, that's for sure!

Especially when it looks like spicy mustard. :-\

I do put his bassinet up against the tank though and he just stares at it. Its fun to watch him try to follow the fish. The wife sent me that pic today. Only a week old and having little giggle fits as he's drifting off to sleep.