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why are my corals slowly withering away ?

update since last report; since then my sand has become increasingly cleaner and I may have lost my emerald crab to starvation (although technically he is MIA)
i made some changes- now feeding half cube frozen food and a scoop of reef chili daily. set the skimmer for graveyard shift. removed a marinepure brick that was set up in a low flow part of sump (was overkill). temporary stopped water changes. pulled out ~1/3 of macro from the fuge.
My new theory is that marinepure has potential to be overeffective. Can't believe I can be feeding that much to a small population.
Anyway after all that todays test result was still 0 nitrate, but i did see a hint of phosphate (.01). Im expecting higher levels in a week hopefully - just filled stocked the frag tank.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
Sound like things are going positive. As for the Emerald crab, they hid most of the day and can go mia for days.
I had the same issues for a very long time. I would buy corals and target feed them eventually they looked like they were Starving then close up and die. It was because I had zero nitrates. I now dose KNO3 and my corals are now flourishing. Also, if you have a fuge with macro algae your growth will increase due to the nitrates and that keeps your Phosphate in check as the algae continue to grow.
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Im just nitrogen deficient :( Been a month since last water change and i don't have any more filtration that I could remove, yet still 0 on nitrate.
I still have the fuge going but I don't want to undo that. So I think I'll start KNO3 -hope it doesn't turn out to be self inflicted cyano. jkapit appreciate any insights about that from your experience - there is surprisingly little about it on the google. I've added some new pieces in the past couple weeks that are so far looking very good so I will probably do it very gradually.
stump remover did the trick nicely. I was fearing the worst but it was very actually very easy to lock it in just a couple days