Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was not paying attention. She grabbed her media reactor out of her sump and carried the smelly thing away. As she was cleaning it in the kitchen, something was happening in her stand. What could it be? you ask. Well, the tubing for the ATO had come loose and when she dragged the reactor out, it had come with it. So there it was drip, drip,drip in her stand. When she returned all she could see was a moat around her sump. She quickly saw what had happened and put the tubing back into the sump. There she was with all this water to sop up but luckily for her, pond liners are meant to hold water. "It is a good thing I dropped the bottom 1.5"and lined it with pond liner" the girl said. Her wood stand was safe and all was right again.
The End
The End