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Working fish

Surgeons come to mind but I think you may only be able to get away with a yellow tang or purple tang possibly a sailfin but would have to be mindful if they looked stressed due to tank size limitations

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
I am one who push fish in tanks they shouldn't be in (had two tangs in a 54) and I wouldn't risk a tang in my 36 let alone a 32.

I wouldn't go with fish but go with a good cuc. I have a sand star, and a handful of snails/ crabs/ hermit crabs and they are doing a good job at keeping my tank clean. Now folks will tell you not to do the stand star cause they will clean your tank and die quickly. That is a risk so be mindful of that.
So Tang police would say no but I leave it at No Tangs that obviously are to big for the tank.. A small tang like a a yellow or a purple can be housed I have seen it done .. And I am not talking some jack wagon that throws it in one,day an say look its fine I am talking 1 year plus with out issue.. Now disclaimer you should be mindful of the fish if it looks like it ain't doing good you gotta pull it .. Its just common sense

Rules of thumb aren't always accurate..

Secondly since your looking for maitance fish rotating juvenile tangs out when they get to big shouldnt be a issue.. Example get juvenile small fish place in tank watch it work
Fish gets older and bigger. Take it out trade it at the LFS for a new juvenile repeat

Yes adult tangs require lengthy tanks especially ones like hipo and similar but tang police or not it can be done if done correctly.

Just my opinion but I am sure some crusader will say I am wrong


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Blennies good, though they can starve if algae runs low. I have a saddle puffer that keeps the tank clean, though if not well fed on algae and supplements he nips at the sps. Tangs (surgeons) are best but nada in a tank that small unless you plan to move them out as they grow.
I'd go for a mix CuC with 1 emerald crab, a few nassarius snails, a few trochus snails, a few margarita's for the glass, some bumblebee snails for detail work, a couple ceriths (a dozen if you go for the dwarf versions) for all around eatiness, and maybe a few sexy shrimp to clear out the nooks and crannies.
BTW, if going for a mix of snails and hermits, hermits will always kill your snails (and hermits suck at glass cleaning).
Agreed with Tigs, sand stars will strip the sand clean and may die due to lack of food, same with nudibranches and such.
+1 on the urchin. Tuxedo. But it will pick up and move things and may bulldoze whatever’s not secured.

And a tailspot Blenny is great for algae and personality.


SPS Grow Out Winner
Turbo snails - 3 for that size tank will be plenty. 32g is not much to go about for keeping fish that can clean algae IMHO.
Turbos are great. I also like the banded trochus snails. Mine have begun breeding. Found a few tiny ones in my sump.

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