• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.


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NJRC Member
Might be if you PM inquiring about it.
Hey, if someone wrote to me and offered $20,000 for my setup I would jump on it, even though I have no desire to really sell it.

Sure if someone write and makes an offer he cant refuse, he would probably take it. Who wouldnt.
But he was just sharing pics of a cool mushroom.


NJRC Member
Having an offer out of the blue is dif from refusing to pay club fees and continuing with intentions sell on this forum.
I don't know you, so please try to not take this personally - if you have a problem with him please address it with him threw pm rather than publicly and or let the mods/board deal with it. I just don't like to see quarrels between members. Seeing these type of posts when I'm here for the closeness of the members on this site ruins it for me . I hope you can respect that, thank you.
I don't know you, so please try to not take this personally - if you have a problem with him please address it with him threw pm rather than publicly and or let the mods/board deal with it. I just don't like to see quarrels between members. Seeing these type of posts when I'm here for the closeness of the members on this site ruins it for me . I hope you can respect that, thank you.
Nothing against him, and everyone is free how they want to spend their money, but I'm just pointing it out.


NJRC Member
Why "point it out"? This is just your opinion, though for the record, I kind of agree with you, he might be skirting the rules. But it's not our call to make. The mods have already pointed it out, he's banned from Deals and Steals. I'd just prefer to enjoy this forum for the kindness among members I've seen and personally experienced than to see this kind of sniping. Let the board police the forum as they see fit and enjoy the friendship of the forum. Those that are truly bothered by Erics' supposed end run around the rules can ignore/not buy from him, complain to the board and let them handle it, or run for the board and enact different rules or ban him.
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