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WTB 55-65 gallon reef ready tank.

Looking to purchase a 55-75 gallon reef ready tank with sump, heater, power heads, pipes, and lighting. I cureently have a 25 gal and my daughter wants a "Dory" in the tank. Not looking to pay more than 500 for full setup. Please pm me if you have something. THANKS!!

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Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Can some of these if you're on a tight budget....you may need to go bigger than a 65g for a hippo

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Looking to purchase a 55-75 gallon reef ready tank with sump, heater, power heads, pipes, and lighting. I cureently have a 25 gal and my daughter wants a "Dory" in the tank. Not looking to pay more than 500 for full setup. Please pm me if you have something. THANKS!!

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First I will say it's your tank and you do how you feel but speaking from experience you will not have luck with a "Dory" in that range size tank. They need plenty of space to swim around. Now I'm saying this and I had two tangs (a yellow and a powered brown) in a 54 corner with no issues. I wanted a hippo tang but wouldn't risk one in that size tank.