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WTB 5g Tank


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
In preparation of of the next bunch of baby seahorses would like to pickup a 5g tank or around that size.

Let me know if anyone has anything.
I have a standard 5 gallon tank sitting around you are welcome to. I'm heading down to the Bernegat lighthouse on Saturday if you'd be interested.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Definitely. At me know how much.
My wife works to noon and again 3 to 5pm.
What time were you thinking?


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Sure I got one somewhere (maybe its a 2.5). I'll drop you a text tomorrow. $32,000 or trade foe speedboat.
I have a 5 and 10 i think laying in the basement, all yours for any kind of frag you want to trade. Have nothing in my tank since quarantine hit as my cycle finished.


NJRC Member
Mark , these are bigger than your asking but I have a couple extra 10 and 20 gallons I bought from Mickey at $1 per gallon prices, still new with the cardboard on them. I’d trade or take the $1 per gallon.

I picked em up before I got the new frag tank, no room now....