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WTB: Peppermint Shrimp


NJRC Member
Anyone know where a guy can find some peppermint shrimp? Online they're super cheap, but then need to be shipped...locally nobody seems to have any (at least that I know of).




Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Might be a good group buy for members local to you to cover shipping.
They're stupid expensive right now in store.


NJRC Member
Ended up seeing a clean up crew post from someone else and ordering a load of cool stuff from reef cleaners. That place seems awesome and shipping is super reasonable.


NJRC Member
Ended up seeing a clean up crew post from someone else and ordering a load of cool stuff from reef cleaners. That place seems awesome and shipping is super reasonable.

And everything from Reef Cleaners came in awesome shape, packaged and happy to get in the tank. Except the two bags with the peppermint shrimp. Those guys were dead. Grrrr. Everything else was just to hit shipping cost!


NJRC Member
And everything from Reef Cleaners came in awesome shape, packaged and happy to get in the tank. Except the two bags with the peppermint shrimp. Those guys were dead. Grrrr. Everything else was just to hit shipping cost!

Email them they will take care of you.


NJRC Member
They refunded me the $13 even when I asked for replacement. I ordered $75 worth of nonsense to get the shipping and ended up with everything except what I needed. I’m h well. The conchs and sexy shrimp are pretty cool.