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WTB: Reef light for 30g cube


NJRC Member
Hey everyone, i'm setting up this frag tank with a MH, which will sit over a 30g display/fuge, which i plan to stock with lots of rock, some macro, some coral, and maybe some nems. I'm looking for a light for it that doesn't break the bank, but will get the job done. ha.

Anyone have anything?


NJRC Member
Also, would entertain upgrading my Evo light and moving the AI Prime downstairs, if anyone has any Kessil and/or Ecotech lights FS (I know...different ballgame than post above).


NJRC Member
I have a brand new Radion xr15 g5. $325. I bought it to supplement my two xr15’s but I upgraded my lights to xr30’s so no longer need this.

I bought madreefers ocean revive for my low budget lagoon build. It’s a great light for a 24x24 area. He has another one. He’s asking for $60 I think. These are bigger panels so should have a better light distribution.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Dude, you could have picked up the other Ocean revive light I brought to the meeting Sat.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
More south. Sat morning heading to Columbus Amish Market for some grocery shopping.