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WTB SPS colonies

Ultimate Corals

Gold Sponsor
We have a huge colony of Frag Farmers Red Robin Stag, WWC Yellow Tip Acro, Yellow Jacket Tort/Setosa combo rock, along with large montipora colonies.
I will try and stop in this week....looking for some new pieces for both my display and frag tank now up and running


NJRC Member
Check out the Monti in this guys tank:
Fire Sale: Breaking Down Tank in Clark. Livestock, Rock, Equipment. - Reef Central Online Community

I was down there on Saturday picking up his fish. We had to get the Monti out of the tank in order to catch them. We both knew there was no way to get it out in one piece. (In the above thread he even says he'll never get it out in one piece.) We were wrong! Using 4 hands we were able to pick it up and move it temporarily to a towel on the floor, catch the fish and replace it unbroken.

He's breaking down the tank because he's going back to med school and knows he won't have enough time for it. Everything in the tank is available. He's a real nice guy and I'm pretty sure he's negotiable.

He's in Clark, NJ.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
Check out Ultimate Coral. His tanks are extremely clean. That is super important to me. I'd take a drive 25 min south of me to other LFS on a Tues or Wednesday twice a month. I'd get discussed on the amount of times I have been there during the work week to see 6-10 aiptasias, and bryopsis in most of the tanks.