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NJRC Member
There are a lot of long polyp toadstools that go by the weeping willow name now, ever since Jake Adams named his. If I remember right after he passed it was lost. Chris Meckley from ACI acquired a piece from the person that originally gave it to Jake. He is currently growing out that one and I heard it's a slow grower for a softy.

I bought one from a lady in Maine. She has one of the largest selections of softies. Her name is Penny. She owns Aquacorals. She also has pics of the mother colonies, so you know what you are buying. Unfortunately too many softy frags look alike.

I bought their weeping willow. She now refers to it as the Aquacorals green weeping willow. She originally acquired hers from a private collector in the mid to late 90s. I had it for a year now and I can say that it is a beautiful piece and has large long polyps, but it is not the weeping willow that Jake Adams famously owned and took the picture of. So if you are looking for the original it might be awhile. If you are looking for a close second. You might like Penny's Aquacorals weeping willow.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I just lost my large Long Tentacle Australian toadstool.
I have a couple frags...Hoping they do well. Took years for it to get in showpiece size and it wilted in just 10 days.

currently a hard white 2" x 2" ball. Breaks my heart.