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XR30 SPS Preset...anyone really like what they're running?

I'm tempted to port over the David Saxby from my AI, but not sure. This is for my SPS only frag tank.

Anyone have any pointers?
I can send you a really nice program for SPS I got from a friend, I used to run it on my 120 when I had it and that’s what I’m running now on my Nuvo 10.
Let me know.
More in white side of blue ?
Spectrum is variable so it has both and that’s what I like about this program, I’m pretty sure the few SPS I have likes the program cause I can see growth showing in 1 1/2 weeks that I’ve been running it.


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Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I'm on 2 XR15s and am running the stock AB+ for 9 hours with a 1 hour ramp up and 2 hour ramp down. SPS are doing quite well.
Here’s the screenshot, I’m running 10 hours at 20% only since it’s XR30 and my tank is too small.


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NJRC Member
The AB+ are on the white side. The WWC program is white in the morning and deep blue in the evening. It's really quite simple. The blues all 100+ and add a little bit of white, greed and red to your liking, between 5-15%.