Just wanted to let everyone know a little trick I did some research on and it actually worked for me. Zoa eating nudibranches have become more and more readily seen in most Indonesian shipments over the past few months. I did a test run on each of my tanks. Think I've found a solution to wiping them out. Flatworm Exit! It's reef safe and invert safe and worked miracles on getting rid of the Nudibranches in my nano. The best solution I found was to treat the tank as recommended per Salifert, and then do a half dose about 2 hours later. I noticed most of the nudi's would melt away after just a few mins. Some reappeared out of rocks and were very sluggish and not looking good. The second dose wiped them out completely. Due to the possibility of eggs, I'm going to redose the tank in a few days to get rid of any babies as well. So far, I haven't seen any signs of movement in the tank at night. I've sat in front of it multiple times with a flashlight and nothing! Thank god!