To start I have a 135 gal with a 20 gal sump and a 40 gal column tied in(filling with macro(future refugium(kinda)))lol. Pumps are unknown, 2 HOB skimmers(rated 75 gal, 125 gal). 6 bulb 54watt t5HO fixture over the 135 gal. and a 2 bulb 24watt t5HO fixture over the 40 gal. Just started to use RODI water so algea is everywhere. Fish include (135 gal) 2 dart fish, 1 YWG/Pistol, 1 lawnmower blenny, and 1 scooter blenny (40) snowflake eel. Inverts are (135) Skunk cleaner shrimp, red linki star, sand sifting star, Blue and red leg hermits, and a pistol shrimp (40) monster chocolate chip star, and NJ hermit crabs. Here are pics of corals I've aquired so far(sorry if the names aren't right).
Green Gonapora
Colt Coral
Folded Brain (I think)
Eagle Eye&Pink Zoa's with a ashy looking paly
Green&Blue Zoa's
Purple w/ red rim Zoa's
Pink Favia
Red Acan
Pulsing Xenia
More Acan's
Polyps & Pink Birds Nest
Bubble I just got (trying to bring back)
Green Gonapora

Colt Coral

Folded Brain (I think)

Eagle Eye&Pink Zoa's with a ashy looking paly

Green&Blue Zoa's

Purple w/ red rim Zoa's

Pink Favia

Red Acan

Pulsing Xenia

More Acan's

Polyps & Pink Birds Nest

Bubble I just got (trying to bring back)

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