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Where do you get your frags?


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I've looked all I really see is the group buy and being able to post for sale threads? Maybe I'm missing something? Plus all of y'all are in south jersey, it's quite the hike :p
I'm north, as well as a few of us on here


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Does he still have that turtle in there? @Kai

Oh had to bring reptiles in to this? Now will have to stop and see how bad it all is. Of course I will be leaving with that turtle one way or another if not cared for.
No turtle! I didn't see any turtles worry not @trio91 and @MadReefer!!!
I did see a painfully skinny dragonette, darker blotchy gray colors, it didn't look like it would make it too long if any of you are interested in some TLC.

Another one had some white stringy poop, don't remember what sort that was, I want to say it was a 'bigger' fish like a fish that requires a bigger tank. Those were the only fish that I saw and said 'uh oh' though I didn't look at the wall of freshwater tanks. Saw a good number of bleached corals. Some of the tanks were 'green' from algae on the glass. One other thing that worried me was that in the middle there was a large rimless almost cube tank. Water was a cloudy white like when you first dump in sand and start your cycle and whatnot? And there maybe 6+ clownfish in there and to me it felt like it was a cycling tank, but I have no evidence of that, just the cloudy water and the 'whiteness' of all the rocks and things. It was also very near what seemed to be the the source of the giant puddle so might have been something to do with that too.
My LFS is Absolutely Fish, about 20 minutes away, I'm also only like 15 minutes from Sea Level but I like to go to Absolutely.
I guess it just feels like everyone is from south jersey (or that mythical land somewhere in the middle) because whenever I look up the most recommended places they always seem to be further south. For me south jersey starts just past Union, Elizabeth, Hillside. Past that it's 'far' and 'in south jersey'
Stopped in OiA once, it was nice but over an hour for me... my electric car needed to switch over to gas on the ride back :(