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Tank birthday and I'm a Geezer

Paul B

NJRC Member
How do you know I don't? :D

Dave, I live on a 150 mile long Island. There is driftwood all over the place. Much of it is drift "telephone poles, driftwood pieces of docks and driftwood Oldsmobiles"

Paul B

NJRC Member
Last night we went out with friends to a really nice restaurant that we occasionally go to about 15 minutes from my home. It is almost impossible to get in so we made reservations for 4:30. It was a Wednesday so we didn't think the place would get crowded.

We ate in the garden which is really cool because you sit right in the beautiful garden right in the vegetables so I could have turned around and pick fresh figs, tomatoes, basil, parsley etc, growing right next to me.

The place is a little pricy ($180.00 a couple) but it was worth it. By the time we left, the place was mobbed with a 45 minute wait just to be put on the waiting list.
RPR and Joan.jpg


NJRC Member
How do you know I don't? :D

Dave, I live on a 150 mile long Island. There is driftwood all over the place. Much of it is drift "telephone poles, driftwood pieces of docks and driftwood Oldsmobiles"
I see a future of this piece in my house. It will be sitting in a shallow tank with some moss growing on the base.


Paul B

NJRC Member
Today I am staining my wood root table base. Here it is before the stain dried. It will lighten up when it's dry. I think. I just wanted to bring out the grain and not necessarily darken it. It used a lot of stain because it's rough and has a lot of limbs coming off of it.
I still have to spray it with a clear coat.

In between I am also writing my new book and am up to chapter 3. It's about my time in the army and Viet Nam. Very little combat will be in it until the last chapter because I'm trying to keep it light and keep it to the fun or interesting that happened. Squeamish people can forego the last chapter.


Paul B

NJRC Member
Thats great Diana. I may ask you to read my first 10 pages just to get your opinion. I need someone who doesn't know my stories to get a real perspective as my friends and wife knows all of them by now. :)

Paul B

NJRC Member
No, they don't eat pods. They need meaty food. I feed them pieces of clams and earthworms. I have to target feed them or they are to stupid and slow to find food on their own especially with 40 other hungry fish stealing their food as they are rather slow.

Paul B

NJRC Member
This red sponge is what I used to feed my Idol. He would practically jump out of the tank for this stuff. I took this yesterday off my friends floating wooden dock on Long Island New York. It only grows near the surface and I could never keep it alive in a tank but it freezes well. I would collect a lot and freeze it for the winter. I sold my boat so I don't get to a dock very often so I can't really get it to often and you can only collect a little bit at a time unless you find a really big dock.


Paul B

NJRC Member
I collected these caterpillars on my parsley plants and they are forming Chrysalis and will soon turn into big butteCaterpillars.jpgrflies.