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Search results

  1. T

    Klein's Butterfly or Double Saddle-back Butterfly??

    I have a copperband and it eats all of the aptasia that I put in the tank ( It has cleaned some rock for some friends also ) but leaves my lps and sps alone.
  2. T

    12g nano hood upgrade

    Thanks for the info, so for another $75.00 for the ALC I could do it. Would have been cheaper to go witht he Apex in the first place.
  3. T

    12g nano hood upgrade

    i don't think the Digital Aquatics controler will dim the leds (at least I have not found it yet) but the Neptune Apex will.
  4. T

    anemone not fully extending

    I have never seen/heard of a rainbow (but that don't mean to much). Like any critter it may just need some adjustment time to your system. Over the next couple of feedings make sure it gets some to help it along just in case it is bleached out.
  5. T

    Sand detritus question

    When I siphon the sand bed I try to get the top layer and not so far down. If to much sand gets into the siphon I just raise the tube. Works out well.
  6. T


    I think temp swings are more of an issue then just a higher temp. as long as you don't go to high you should be fine.
  7. T

    Help me pick a new addition

    I love my Longnose Hawkfish, but you cannot have any shrimp with him.
  8. T

    Humidity Control / Top Off

    Wow, looks like my bathroom when I take a hot shower. Instead of wasting the water do you have a place to put in some storage containers to hold the water and use for the spring and summer for your plants and such outside?
  9. T

    Humidity Control / Top Off

    Depending on what the lines are made of and the quality of air in the room I would worry about what could be leached into the tank. With winter being a drier time of the year maybe a fan in the fish room to circulate the air into the rest of the house.
  10. T

    Is a CA Reactor Needed?

    Since you have one I would keep it going.
  11. T

    Where can I get some of these hermit crab shells?

    A tad bit pricey, but still cool to look at.
  12. T

    Where can I get some of these hermit crab shells?

    Those are neet. If you find them let us know.
  13. T

    Thirty 5's Deep Blue Rimless!!

    DOH :stupid: , I should open my eyes more often and I would have seen that. What did you use to attach the rock to that piece of plastic. I have seen zip ties used but yours looks a lot more "finished" .
  14. T

    Thirty 5's Deep Blue Rimless!!

    Loving that rock work. Are those wood pieces on the center over flow?
  15. T

    Will these bulbs work?

    I would go this route, with the money you would save with shipping it probably works out better and you are guaranteed good quality bulbs.
  16. T

    Bubble Anemone Behavior After Water Change

    How long have you had the anemone? How long has the tank been set up? My anemones have done that a lot and they always come back out. Wait till it splits, that is a strange site to see.
  17. T

    Thirty 5's Photo Thread...

    Fotodiox Canon EOS Macro Extension Tube Set Kit on amazon for $10.95 works nice. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003Y60DZO
  18. T

    Closed loop or power heads

    I use 3. 1- is the overflow that feeds the sump and the return moves the top portion of the display 2- is the closed loop which I have running the backside of the tank, behind the rock work to keep things clean and moving behind there 3- is the 2 powerheads that I can adjust to the current...
  19. T

    Clownfish not eating

    What are you feeding? You can soak it in garlic and that should help to perk up its interest.
  20. T

    Thinking of calling it quits

    Forgive me for I'm new here, but how long has the tank been set up? Is it a mostly softie, mostly lps, softie lps with just a couple of sps, mixed reef? I know we all follow a compatibility chart to see what fish can go with what fish but sometime we overlook what corals can go with other...