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Thirty 5's Deep Blue Rimless!!


NJRC Member
Oh my Brandon......

Hey, have a good time on DC! Rest up so you can bend my lighting conduits when you get back!
Well here it is set up in its new location. It looks really nice if i have to say myself. Now to just get the rest of the plumbing done (drains) and then get water in this bad boy.

Lights are still a work in progress, but since no lights needed for the cycle then no big deal. I hope to have water in it by this weekend. :)



Yes they are. I figured that wood in the water would not be a big deal, Hopefully it gets covered with algae, but I am worried about the wood rotting away and then all the rock falling... We will see!

!! That wood is only there for support will caulking dries !!
!! That wood is only there for support will caulking dries !!

DOH :stupid: , I should open my eyes more often and I would have seen that. What did you use to attach the rock to that piece of plastic. I have seen zip ties used but yours looks a lot more "finished" .
I took a piece of acrylic sheet and bent it to the shape of the overflow. Then I used silicone to attach the rocks. Then silicone to attach the sheet to the overflow.
Rock work looks great. Did you use all 100 lbs worth. I just picked up mine this past weekend but only got 65 lbs Iight need more. Light bar look great also.
Guess I'll have to get a few more lbs. When I was at the swap I kept going back to ultra corals to but I could only bring my self to about $100 worth. Gonna call ultra corals this week to see how much to ship another 20-25lbs.


NJRC Member
Guess I'll have to get a few more lbs. When I was at the swap I kept going back to ultra corals to but I could only bring my self to about $100 worth. Gonna call ultra corals this week to see how much to ship another 20-25lbs.

Where are you? I bought myself 20lbs worth then not a 1/2 hour later my roommate won one of the rock raffle prizes so we got a lot more. We may be able to get you some if you're not too far away.

Did you build, buy and assemble my light bar yet? ;)
That would be great. I live in Bordentown(about 10 s of where swap was), and Work in at the Elizabeth seaport so I have a good chunk of jersey covered.


NJRC Member
That would be great. I live in Bordentown(about 10 s of where swap was), and Work in at the Elizabeth seaport so I have a good chunk of jersey covered.

We're about 10 minutes or so from Ocean Gallery so if you're ever around us let me know. I'm sure we could spare some rock.