• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. malulu

    rebuilding thread(s) on your own (required some web technical skill)

    Hi, Just a heads up. I just did some search keywords with google, and it seems to have some old posts in cache. (if you don't know what this mean ???, sorry, this is just geek talk... ::)) I tried to bring up some, and i think i can use them to rebuild some of my threads, it would be very...
  2. malulu

    Lye - Sodium Hydroxide - NaOH - Food Grade (order...)

    This is NOT a group buy, just want to see anyone interested to order together to lower the shipping cost. this Lye - Sodium Hydroxide - Food Grade is used for recharge RO/DI or Kati-Ani. http://www.aaa-chemicals.com/sodium-hydroxide.html they comes in with 2-LB bottles... i need about 20...
  3. malulu

    2010 - May - POTM Contest - Winner! (monroereef)

    Congratulations to Sunny (monroereef) for winning the 2010 May POTM contest. Great Picture!! Quote from <Sunny>: ================= Here is one of my Blue Carpet Anemone - I tried !! ================= Thanks and Best Regards, NJRC...
  4. malulu

    May 2010 - POTM Voting Has Begun

  5. malulu

    May 2010 - POTM Voting Has Begun

  6. malulu

    Corals Corals...!!

    Thanks to Peter (FishEye), he took these great pics yesterday from RedSand, and I help to upload for you to enjoy the view. *hint - go grab them before they are gone!!* ;)
  7. malulu

    WTB - phosban media (GFH)...

    Hi, is the club or anyone have some phosban media - GFH left? I would like to get some... thx
  8. malulu

    Re-Charging a Cati-Ani unit...

    (1) Happy New Year to all... (2) It is the time for me to recharging my Cati-Ani unit again, if anyone is interested, please welcome to stop by. This time, i will take pics for the whole process and post it out here somewhere, so others can be refer to it later. I have took pics before on...
  9. malulu

    Food Recipe...?

    Hi all, Since ThanksGiving is right around the corner... any one have some good foods' recipe(s) to share? Especially the "Turkey" one! :D thx
  10. malulu

    fish fun website

    my cousin send me this link... http://www.sharkbreak.com/ have fun... :) NERVES ALL UP TIGHT? TAKE A FISH BREAK AND RELAX!! The fish follows your mouse, but there's more. This is amazing. Who ever wrote the software must have spent hours. If you click on the extreme right hand column you...
  11. malulu

    how to catch a mini puffer in a reef tank?

    i got this EVIL fish (Jewel Puffer) in my big tank, i am sure he is the one that eating all my great color zoas!! anyone have any suggestion how to get him out? a fish trap probably be a long shot, since i don't see him eating anything at all, and he is in between rocks 90% of the time. thx...
  12. malulu

    Aug 2009 - Photo Of the Month duty call...

    Hey ALL Its TIME for more IMAGES!!!! Get snappin and submit your images for the August POTM Please Send your best shot(s) to : photos@njreefers.org FYI - Official Rules listed here: http://www.njreefers.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=1917.0 [size=2]GOOD LUCK NJRC...
  13. malulu

    Random shots with great results!

    I am thinking to use this thread to demostrate how great they can be with randomw shots... :D Please help to share all yours!! Please Note: if you are planning to submit your picture(s) for "Photo Of The Month" (POTM) contest, please DO NOT post it here until that round is over... (due to...
  14. malulu

    2009 - July - POTM Contest - Winner! (adesimone1)

    Congratulations to Terri DeSimone (adesimone1) for winning the 2009 July POTM contest. Great Picture!! Quote from Terri: ================= The photo was taken with a canon sx10 nothing was done to enhance the picture. It is a anemone rare from indonesia. It's tenacles are very sticky and it...
  15. malulu

    July 2009 - POTM Voting Has Begun

    Apology for the delay - Here you go! http://www.njreefers.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=19380.0 Thanks and Best Regards, NJRC - POTM Committee
  16. malulu

    July 2009 - POTM Voting Has Begun

    Apology for the delay - Here you go! http://www.njreefers.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=19380.0 Thanks and Best Regards, NJRC - POTM Committee
  17. malulu

    fishing license in NJ?

    Hi, I am planing to bring the family to http://www.delawarerivertubing.com/Contact.html Delaware River Tubing, the AD said can be fishing there... but i check Walmart today, they said they only have the annually license - $25 I thought there is some type of 1 day or 2 days license in NJ -...
  18. malulu

    2009 June - POTM Contest - Winner! - Phyl

    Congratulations to Phyllis Schiavone (Phyl) for winning the 2009 June POTM contest. Great Picture!! Thanks and Best Regards, NJRC - POTM Committee
  19. malulu

    2009 June - POTM Voting Has Begun

    http://www.njreefers.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=18607.0 Enjoy!
  20. malulu

    2009 June - POTM Voting Has Begun
