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Search results

  1. malulu

    Photo of the month - 2008/11 calling for your cool pics...

    All, We only have TWO photos submitted so far, can you guys/gals please help to submit/share some of your cool pics? Especially all the new frags you got from the Fragswap, there must be some good pics out there somewhere that need to be awarded... :D thx FYI - Official Rules listed here...
  2. malulu

    Excellent Prices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from $15 to $30...

    the $30 ones are 3-inch tall! CRAZY!!! HURRY - BEFORE they all GONE!!!! These photos are taken by Peter (fisheye) Feng have a new L-shape tank 700-gals, and have a lots of corals, he frag them for sales - EXCEPT this one! Slide show can be see here...
  3. malulu

    MH and T5 lights timing…

    I have my 3x250W MH on during the day from 9am to 8pm (see below ===), and 8xT5 (36") 8am-9:15am, then 7:45pm-9pm (see below ---). would it be beneficial to also keep the 8xT5 (36") on at that "same time"? between 9am to 8pm (see below ***). my objective is to have more T5 blueplus shine on the...
  4. malulu

    Waterprrof Camera case...

    All, I am looking to get a new waterproof camera case for my Canon SD-850, not really for fish tank usage, but for beach or water-park events... thanks in advance for the input. I already have some thing like this for my Canon-D40 (from original specially made for the camera), but it is...
  5. malulu

    FREE - 3" Lawnmower Blenny - for NJRC members only

    only one condition: need to pick her up fast!!! i can't wait for sometime. i have her in an open bag floating in my tank right now. picture copied off the web: it looks just like this: reason to let her go: i am a nice guy!! i am putting a new clam on the spot (right directly under my MH))...
  6. malulu

    Water GH - General Hardness question...

    due to my Cati-Ani unit mixed with water softener issue, I need to test my water's hardness... the new test kit have a scale of 1 to 12 drops of solution to see the color change... the AFTER water softener reading seems normal (3 drops) - 3GH but the BEFORE water softener reading is way out...
  7. malulu

    Kati Ani unit question

    Bruce, the Kati-Ani 5 i got: - my input line is 640ppm (after the water softener) - rate set as ~8gph - in the beginning it was giving me reading of 7ppm - this afternoon i noticed it was giving me 135ppm? - after 40g more water, and now it is having a reading of 634ppm? so far it only used...
  8. malulu

    IceCap 660 wiring question

    I have an IceCap 660, and I also have T5-39W x 8, i check the information on the IceCap website http://www.icecapinc.com/document2.pdf, it said IceCap-660 only support 4 lamps wiring, and must be less than 400watts. is it possible that i can connect them as this...
  9. malulu

    How to store clean water with Cati-Ani unit...?

    Hi, I am in the planning on (upgrading?) my RO/DI into Cati-Ani pure water filtration setup, and need some advices. thanks in advise for helping me with this matter. ------- some might said: "since the Cati-Ani's output rate as 16g per hour, it may not have a need for fresh water storage..."...
  10. malulu

    need help: red bug and re-aqualscape

    D*** it, it is my turn! Renee's family was at my house yesterday, and she noticed that i have these sucker red bugs too!! (knew this will be coming anytime soon or later, cause i did not dip any new arrivals...!!!) for those of you that recently get frogspawn, zoo, mushroom from my tanks...
  11. malulu

    Wondering which candidate best matches your sentiments?

    NOT A JOKE... It's really interesting: you pick your selection, and it show which Candidate agree/disagree for each issue... http://www.votechooser.com/
  12. malulu

    Maroon Clown spawn - lesson learnt? (sad story)

    [EDIT - sorry, it was a Maroon Clown pair, not Tomato Clown] I put in a new T5 light last week, it was great!!! everything looks different (in a better way). I immediately noticed there is a bright orange area next to the pair of the Maroonclown, holly cow, they had spawn!! (but don't know for...
  13. malulu

    what type of inverts can be in the refugium?

    since the refugium may get *dirty* over time, what inverts can we keep in it? - shrimp? - snail? - hermit crab? - emeral crab? - fish?? thx
  14. malulu

    red sand - a lots of coco worms for sales...

    just an FYI... he also got a shipment in on Saturday, so, alots of frag and fishes also...
  15. malulu

    world's deepest indoor pool...

    too bad, not in USA...! sounds fun! cool... http://www.theworld.org/?q=node/10018&answer=true
  16. malulu

    Any one have advise on Kati-Ani ??

    Kati-Ani also known as Kation-Anion… this is a no water waste filter system(heard it was better than regular R/O-DI)… and is much cheaper to operate… any comments? or any good link for more info? thx
  17. malulu

    recommendation corals for beginners of Nano 24g?

    My co-work is interested to get a ALL-IN-ONE 24g Nano tank, with T5 light. he would like to know which kind/type of corals he should get? (ofcourse not now, once the tank is cycled and matured later on)... he want something: - pretty - slow grow - low maintenance i would say: - Zoas -...
  18. malulu


    FYI: came across this while surfing the web... http://www.automatedaquariums.com/
  19. malulu

    Questions for Exhaust Fan in basement (fish tank area)...

    Since the October last year, i installed the refugium (30g + 100g) and sump (100g) in the basement area, the tank condition are now getting very good (see picture below), but for the pass few weeks, the weather are getting hot, and i started to noticed the damp/moisture building up in the...
  20. malulu

    BUG -Termite!!! - question need advise...

    Today while i was at work, my wife call said "there are many ant like bug crawling in our house near a window's area...." they could be Termite, so she call around and finally be able to get a company to stop by to take a look, sure enough, they guy said it is Termite for sure!!! After i came...