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Search results

  1. Goodair

    All must go, moving sale

    Tank wouldn't happen to be acrylic would it?
  2. Goodair

    Edit - March Meeting 2022 - 08701

    I'm still in for the meeting.
  3. Goodair

    Save the animals! Help please.

    Not sure if it would work, but would a freshwater dip stun/irritate and not kill?
  4. Goodair

    Website ideas?

    Videos where you identify x parasite/disease on a fish (feel this is important as to make sure it's the better diagnoses than them guessing) and doing a progression video with an explanation on what your doing and different treatment options will probably get alot of attraction. Especially...
  5. Goodair


    Breaking news: "man 'forgot' to come up for air while scuba diving in his personal aquarium"
  6. Goodair

    PVC Fitting for Jebao DCP-2500

    I'd bring the pump with you just to be sure. I saw 1 1/4, but am confused why they are giving hose fiting sizes if they didnt give you any.
  7. Goodair

    PVC Fitting for Jebao DCP-2500

    It should of came with the adaptors. If it was used, you need a female adapter, measure the hole or look up specs for size.
  8. Goodair

    recommendation for sump stock

    you can qt all the stuff in 1 batch, just add your tank water to the qt for nutrients when u do water changes.
  9. Goodair

    True union ball valves

    Actually just remembered this happened to me like 2 years ago. A tiny piece of plastic was between the rubber and plastic on the union to my pump and was the cause of it lol.
  10. Goodair

    True union ball valves

    Yes make sure they are aligned as you tighten them. Also check that there is nothing between and they are flush with eachother (maybe some of the melted pvc is leaking out from the cement?). If the 2 pieces dont connect easily, wiggle them until there isnt any resistance.
  11. Goodair

    True union ball valves

    You could replace just the o-rings and see if that works. The first time you connected it, did you force it closed or did it screw in without resistance?
  12. Goodair

    True union ball valves

    Can u take a pic of the gaskets? They should be fine with just hand tightening.
  13. Goodair

    plants / macroalgae in a reef

    The calcified stuff works, I've heard shaving bushes dont work long term and never attempted em because of that.
  14. Goodair

    Gold Nugget Wrasse?

    Pretty fish!
  15. Goodair

    Where do you get your frozen food

    If its packaged seafood, It's a safe bet its included for sure. Though I'm not sure if it had enough quantity to affect the fish, haven't found any research on it before.
  16. Goodair

    Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

    @Simon What town in middlesex, we got some Edison and South River members!
  17. Goodair

    Where do you get your frozen food

    Lgs/brs for mysis/silver's. Whatever market for shrimp/ squid/ clams/ seaweed. I'm not sure what the difference between smelt from the asian market and silversides from hikari, but my fish won't touch the stuff from the asian market. I read it's the same fish, but guess where they are...
  18. Goodair

    Tanks on TV/Movies

    I think it was one of the narcos series, but I remember pausing some show to look at the background and seeing a bunch of tangs and couldn't tell if coral was real or not!
  19. Goodair

    specific flow.

    try one on the center back and see if it crashing into the front panel will do anything on the sides.