Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Hey all, about to throw in the towel and jump to fluconazole to treat (if you have some you can spare around Princeton area please let me know). But I have done everything to reduce phosphates over the past month - feeding less, running GFO to keep phosphates below 0.1ppm (Hannah checker around...
What kind of flatworms were you up against? I’m fighting red planaria and at the point of contemplating a whole reset, would love some insight if you have any from your attempts and what worked!
The range for the nitrate is 0-60, I am not surprised that you would lose accuracy outside of the range for the product. Phosphate is listed as +/- 0.2ppm, so ultra low range isn’t gonna be so helpful, but like others are saying, you will see a trend and you can catch when things are headed in...
Maybe similar to what my new six line wrasse had, it was a drepression mid side and had flecking around it. Figured he got hit by the emerald crab and got an infection, never was able to get a great pic though.
Ocean gallery is pretty close to reefco and is much more affordable, I got my snowflake cloud there for $25 or 30 (that’s less than $40!) and he is doing great!
So I was just having fun to see what the general internet has to say about setting up a reef tank, stumbled upon this gem…
I think the lesson might be to stop trusting the internet, just for more fun, does anyone rinse their coral under tap in the sink after dipping?
Reefco has a beautiful moccasin flasher wrasse for 50 or 75 bucks, can’t remember cost exactly, just really was drawn to the beauty of that fish…looked like an epic specimen, hopefully not just the juvenile colors, but if I had the space, I would have pick that up (after a bit of phone research...
Well, successfully moved it again, only changed a few things. Moved some stuff away from the growing favias to avoid seeing how fast the Favia will kill stuff. Added a yellow porites frag that was having trouble in another tank. And a new Gorgonia type coral as well.
Looking for other acropora valida, already have the ORA tricolor (but mine is not as colorful and there is some variation among these so send a pic if you have some) and the garf bonsai. Not sure what others are A. valida, but hoping to learn and find more!
May buy one but figured it’s at least one frag I wouldn’t be able to buy for the new setup if I do. I’m in the Princeton area now and figured I’d ask if anyone in the area has one I might be able to borrow for a new setup? If your not in the area, still curious about how people like them!
Just a quick update, had some trouble moving it twice since the last update. Lost a lot, learned a lot. Dropped a light in the tank, burnt up a controller with the salt water splash and could not make a replacement so I had to consolidate tanks to free another controller almost immediately...
Well, I have a couple problems right now.
Problem 1 - This is a recurring thing on this Favites. Appears to die back in small regions as it spreads. Rapid growth is always followed with the development of a lesion like this and stunted growth. It grows out of it and keeps on its merry way after...
Update: had to shelter the acans from the peppermint shrimp. It had killed my Favia and started going after the acans I added shortly after. Have a temporary frag rack while I wait to cut up a frag of another coral I got. At about 10% weekly water change and probably miss one a month.