Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Algae fix is an Algaecide which you can use but it takes a long time of dosing for that to effect bubble algae. It will be one of the last to die off so it may take dosing for 1-2 months.
If you run a refugium it will also kill off any Macro Algae like Chaeto and most likely not allow it to...
I have an extended warranty through a 3rd party company for my Charger. I lumped it all into my finance though, there will however be a deductible for the work that would done. My rear differential was causing problems and making a ton of grinding noises and it only cost me $100 to get it fixed...
I may be interested to grab these for backups. Any chance you will be heading north to Howell/Monmouth area in the near future? I have been so busy I haven't had much time to do anything.
Seems like the last bunch of complaints from the BBB are all the same situation.
lol he was only mean to my PJ. He was in a tank with a skunk clown, saddle back, Vlamingii Tang and a spotted mandarin.
He only went after the PJ even thought he was the second largest fish in the tank.
PJ has been in my tank for years and this guy came from a tank break down so he gets the...
Keep an eye on all of your SPS. This is how it started for me when my town added chloromine to my water source, a month later all SPS was gone. Standard rodi won't remove it. Check the tds on your source.
Free to good home or will accept any frag donation. Warning it was aggressive towards my PJ cardinal but nothing else in my tank. It's fairly large for a damsel.
White are ghost flatworms and tend to come and go. The bad ones are Red Planaria which can become a massive problem. I would just cut back on feedings a bit and not only a wrasse but a few springer damsels will do the trick.
yeah I got one from there about a week ago that didn't look so great.. Ben wasn't there unfortunately and the girl was like oh its alive its fine. Never moved once in my tank and then got eaten.
Healthy ones usually bury themselves within a few minutes.