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Search results

  1. G

    ****SYSTEM SOLD**** -- Red Sea Max Nano w/stand and extras

    if it was august i'd take it... but we are mid house reno and i live PPB
  2. G

    Free green star polyps

    I’d love some more gsp or Xenia if possible over in point pleasant beach
  3. G

    WTT black widow RBTA anemone

    It’s currently pending to @Raffle King assuming we come can figure it out . If not I’ll ping whoever is next
  4. G

    WTT black widow RBTA anemone

    sorry it was there initially and location is bay head 08742
  5. G

    WTT black widow RBTA anemone

    Sent pm
  6. G

    WTT black widow RBTA anemone

    I have a fluval evo 13.5 my anemone just split which is good because it was huge and outgrowing the tank. I would like some softie or Euphyllia
  7. G

    GAW's Son's Nano Reef 13.5

    Also put an in tank chamber one and this 12 hours and this was the floss probably something I should have done a year ago
  8. G

    GAW's Son's Nano Reef 13.5

    Not my best but One year photos
  9. G

    WTB GSP 08742 PPB

    i'm perfectly stocked up now thank @mwil79 and @MadReefer
  10. G

    WTB GSP 08742 PPB

    Thanks everyone I’ll try the Howell location for first
  11. G

    WTB GSP 08742 PPB

    Hi, I would like to buy some GSP. I realize everyones opinion of the stuff, but the kids love it. Thank you.
  12. G

    Zoas closed up

    Been on the road all Norma parameters slightly low ph
  13. G

    Zoas closed up

    Nitrates around 10 I haven’t tested phosphates in along time
  14. G

    Zoas closed up

    So I’m seeing my palys, mushrooms , and euphyila /Duncan super happy growing like crazy … zoas and some gsp are pissed off . Been several months of this any ideas ? It’s odd it’s just them
  15. G

    13g Fluval Evo

    Clown goby, watchman goby , fire shrimp all fun for the evo
  16. G

    Green polyp toadstool frags, green yumas, zoas and bounces

    great to meet you thanks for showing me around . Great zoas
  17. G

    Green polyp toadstool frags, green yumas, zoas and bounces

    I’ll take a scrambled egg if you have them available
  18. G

    Sandsifting star

    Had the children begging with medid a quick Google saw 10 gallon was minimum for sand sifting star . Got home and actually did research need to rehome soon as 13.5 gallons isn’t going to cut it . In point pleasant beach 08742
  19. G

    Affordable ATO Options

    Updates on this ATO just failed :( dont recommend i'm hoping they will provide a new one. Thank you for contacting us. According to the description, it is more likely that the sensor is defective. However, Smart ATO Lite (SATO-260P) is not authorized to be sold in the US, so please contact...
  20. G

    GAW's Son's Nano Reef 13.5

    So rather amusing update got a clown goby that swam through the overflow …. Come to find my peppermint shrimp I was convinced was dead very healthy in chamber one too