Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Running 13.5 Fluval
My son got really into fish, and we started his tank for his birthday. I cycled the tank at another location as 5 year olds, do not understand reasons why we cannot add fish day 1.
Here it cycling:
Added 3 fish ( 2 clowns and a yellow banded possum wrasse) and small...
yeah thank you @crisp1 the 240 was what i was thinking .... thanks any feelings on the black sand..... I was planning to get a new ro unit, now down in point pleasant beach/Bay Head. 46 is now a hike :)
sorry for the questions i'm just rusty .... i liked these last time, still good? ... I grabbed mini skimmer 45 bucks plus 25% off at petco today...
Quick question its been a while and i had 90Gal bow last time. My son now old enough, wants to get into the hobby, what skimmer / pump did you upgrade. I just rejoined my membership, my 8 year kid(now 3 of them) hiatus is over :) I'm thinking FOWLR or maybe xenia /softies
Edit: Correction is...
Has anyone had any experience with either of these Nano's? I am personally like the look of the Current USA Cardiff more. I have always liked rounded glass. Any thoughts? Should I just get an aquapod. I will most likely buy this from 2fishy. I have been out of the loop for 6 months and I want to...
see my post in the other forum for
Rock - free/donations welcome dont forget to kill the aptasias no idea how much, but enough to make the trip.
pink zoo colony with blue tubs -4020
orange center with green outside zoos -3515
peanut butter cup zoos 2512
and 10 gal fuge with live sand -20 10...