Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Inverts are hard to keep when they eat all the food. In my nano had emerald crab, sand sifting star, hermits, zebra snail last a little while than eventually die.
With the news of a baby on the way I gotta make room in the condo and could use some pocket change.
29g used for a freshwater tank. Tank comes with appropriate sized stand. Still has some Carib sea sand in it. Started with 20 pounds. Would like $35.
Somethings I will trade for. Small pieces...
upgrading my light on my nano. It has leg extensions for prob up to 30 inches. I don’t know if it can grow coral, it’s pretty bright. White and blue leds in a fluorescent tube. $25 obo.
Colts neck. 07722
How much bio load? I’m thinking your skimming very wet to get the cup to over flow. I have a hob reef octopus with dual pumps and and dual cups. Took bout a week to get right with cup height. Pulls something nasty stuff. Really this hob skimmer is meant for a 200 gal tank and I’m only about 45...