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Search results

  1. Martin Riggs

    Sad Morning

    Use some eggcrate.
  2. Martin Riggs

    Question about Tropiquarium

    I think your issue is similar to mine. Your order of adding aggressive to peaceful is stressing them out. My tang is picking on my goby which is bigger than it.
  3. Martin Riggs

    Feeding Fish

    Oceans nutrition prime reef flakes and sustainable aquatics hatchery diet. Nori for the mimic tang. I wanna start some live food but just cautious with the LFS stock.
  4. Martin Riggs

    Free baby Kenya trees

    Aww if you were only closer.
  5. Martin Riggs

    First saltwater tank

    Month update. Water parameters good. Not much testing besides the LFS. Just about 2 months old. Added a mimic tang and green mushroom I think it was. Love the coralline on this live rock. I believe it seeded my rock in a weeks time. No skimmer yet. Just little water changes here and there. No...
  6. Martin Riggs

    Calibrating refractometer

    Distilled water for 1.000 SG. I would pick up some new sealed calibration fluid. I have some that been sitting for quite some time and it's way off. 1.030 SG it reads when should be 1.025 SG.
  7. Martin Riggs

    Snails and algae

    I recently had bought a nice stock of snails ranging from nassirius, banded trochus, turban and Mexican turbo. The algae has cleared up and now I wanna supplement their diet. I have some hikari algae wafers I've been crushing up and adding to tank. What is everyone else using?
  8. Martin Riggs

    Looking for reef pests

    Starting a new tank of a small size. Looking for anyone who want to pass over some asterina stars and brittle stars or any other reef pests.
  9. Martin Riggs

    Sobo's Fluval Evo

    The nassirius snails for me only pop out when I drop flake or hatchery food. I don't know if you have a algae breakout either. They climb on my glass for that too.
  10. Martin Riggs

    New project

    Same I love nanos. What equipment you running?
  11. Martin Riggs

    First saltwater tank

    I was gonna post in the fish section but couldn't decide. What's everybody's opinion on asterina stars? I found one after I added my frag and fish I believe he was a hitchhiker. I personally like it but unsure if it will go after my coral. Curious what everybody think.
  12. Martin Riggs

    First saltwater tank

    Pump running good had to move it a couple of times. Took a leap and added my first frag. Green polyp. Added a firefish too. He has a hiding spot that I can't find.
  13. Martin Riggs

    RAP NY/NJ Comingn soon

    Ditto heard the same. Giants, etc.
  14. Martin Riggs

    RAP NY/NJ Comingn soon

    Was planning my trip there. No bus or train terminals close to the expo center?
  15. Martin Riggs

    First saltwater tank

    It's a gyre. 3000 gph. I have to pump up the flow. But it's gonna send my sand flying.
  16. Martin Riggs

    Hydor Koralia 565 gph Nano 20-40 gal

    Love it. I'm kind of upset I can't fit it horizontally on far glass side. So mounted vertical on glass side. My clowns love it.
  17. Martin Riggs

    First saltwater tank

    First fish added two F1 clowns.
  18. Martin Riggs

    Hydor Koralia 565 gph Nano 20-40 gal

    Finally upgraded to. Icecap 3k gyre. Love it. This one up for grabs. Pm me.
  19. Martin Riggs

    First saltwater tank

    Decided to add a cuc. 5 banded trochus snails and 5 nassirius snails. The banded hang on the rock I put them on. They like the underneath section, maybe they have to warm up to the tank. The nassirius snails bury underneath the sand. Amazing though as soon I put a dusting of food to feed the...
  20. Martin Riggs

    First saltwater tank

    Ok I'm getting what your saying. So no real harm in having a nice supply of pods on glass and in tank.