Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Well with Holidays and vacations...progress slowed, but the basement room is done and plumbing all done. I also finalized all tank plumbing but not glued. I completed the canopy lift and need to remove tank from wall to test fit the lift. Then I can send it to powder coat. With luck 3 weeks may...
Hi Hans
Not yet. The canopy lift is almost done and going out to get powder coated. I have to move the tank away drom the wall to install the lift. I have Hockeynut (Rob) going to build the wood cabinet. I spent all weekend completing the basement room. I am hoping in February to fill up...
Thanks Marko.... ,Dave at Vivid Aquarium did a nice sump. Been slow on the build....ordered in my parts for the canopy lift and been going around a bit on my design. Finally figured out what I wanted and my shop is starting that on Monday.....should have some pics soon. I did some on my basement...
sound like a great party I would have enjoyed meeting everyone. I am still in Belize on vacation and enjoying the reef.... guess I am a reef junkie. Hope to make it another time.
Sounds like a great time. Would have enjoyed coming, but we are still in Belize vacationing.... off again today to go snorkeling off the reefs. Have a fun time!