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Search results

  1. Joel T


    I have the green toadstool in the picture above and I have pink Nepthia & a large colony of Grubs Gorgonian that Ian frag. I'm in South Jersey
  2. Joel T


    I have a large green sinularia. I can get a frag together for you. It would take a couple weeks. Let me know. I have some other softies if you interested.
  3. Joel T

    Asterina Stars

    I have some I can spare. I’m in Magnolia.
  4. Joel T

    Tank is gone sale

    Hey there- Did you sell this?
  5. Joel T

    30 gallon rimless deep blue setup

    I’m in south Jersey. I work up that way from time to time. If you still have it later in the week I’ll see if i can set something up.
  6. Joel T

    30 gallon rimless deep blue setup

    Where are you located. Interested in the controller if your close.
  7. Joel T

    Octopulse 2 w/ Hydros Wave Engine

    I’ll be down that way tomorrow during the day. Let me know if your going to be around.
  8. Joel T

    Octopulse 2 w/ Hydros Wave Engine

    Skimmer still available?
  9. Joel T

    Tank Breakdown Items *** Price Drop***

    Interested in Trident. Let me know.
  10. Joel T

    08002 BamBam, Rasta, Sunkist, Rhodactis

    Interested in zoas. I’m local. Weekends are best for me.
  11. Joel T

    Ricky's 120 Stony Coral Garden

    Very impressive. Beautiful tank!