Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Located in South Jersey 08049. Selling my used 40 gallon breeder with a diy acrylic aio chamber & stand. The tank holds water and is in good shape. The stand is in like new condition. Return pump and heater included. Looking for $300. I paid $270 for the stand alone. Lights not included, just...
Thank you all for the advise. I am going to hold off on the flatworm exit for now and try a combination of fish and manual removal and see how it goes. I'll give an update in a month or so.
Need a little advice from a more experienced reefer. I have a Red Sea reefer 250. I have a very hard time admitting that this tank has been running since November of last year and I’m just getting coral in the tank.
After several issues with starting up the tank I threw in a couple of large...
Anyone have any info on this frag swap tomorrow? Just seeing if anyone has been to it in the past or if its new to the area. I’m in South Jersey and wondering if it’s worth the trip.
I saw two last weekend at The Aquarium Center in Blackwood (South Jersey). They were $120 a piece. They were a good size to be fair, Also, they were closed up.
I have a couple very large soft corals. One is a neon green sinularia and the other is brown branching softie with hints of green in the trunk. i also have a neon green toadstool frag. It was sold to me as a tyree toadstool. But it’s just a nice toadstool. Let me know if you want me to send pics.